Aquarium catfishes

Aquarium catfishes are one of the oldest fish that existed on Earth many millions of years ago. Distinctive features of aquarium catfishes from other fish is the presence of whiskers and a complete absence of scales. The body of soms is covered with smooth skin, sometimes with bone plates. These fish are mostly nightlife, and in the afternoon they prefer to hide in the decor of the aquarium and the thickets of algae .

Care of the catfish

If we consider how fancy the aquarium catfish, they can be attributed to uncomplicated species. But, first of all, it should be borne in mind that these fish grow very fast and can reach rather large sizes.

For most species of aquarium catfish, the temperature regime should be between 22-26 ° C. The acidity of water is neutral, the hardness is 6-120 dH.

Species of Catfish

Types of aquarium catfish numbers about 2000 varieties.


Quite simple in the care of a fish, but is an infrequent guest in the collections of aquarists. Catfish scared, prefers to hide in secluded corners. To food is not choosy. It reaches 12 cm in length.


Aquarium catfish Ancistrus are very popular due to its peculiarity - the mouth of a catfish resembles a sucker. It moves, as if jumping from place to place, keeping with the help of a sucker on various objects, algae in the aquarium. And the growths on the body of ancistrus perfectly clean the decor from various types of fouling. They also established themselves as aquarium catfish .

Periophilic soma

The motherland of these soms is Africa. A distinctive feature of all pinnatum catfish is the triangular shape of the body, 3 pairs of mustaches, a semicircular mouth and prickly fins. To this family belongs, perhaps, one of the most unusual fishes-with a pervert.


These large catfish-cleaners can reach 50 cm in length. They constantly gnaw the aquarium decor and walls, eat algae. Malkov for rapid growth can be fed with live food. As a top dressing, you can also use dandelion, lettuce, spinach, cucumber.


These soms are also called soma ghosts or transparent catfishes. The body of the catfish is really transparent, and through it the spine and internal organs are fully visible.

Pimeloda catfish

These fish need good water filtration. In nature live in water with a rapid current. Eat almost any food, and can also take food for small inhabitants of the aquarium. They have a sharp spine on the dorsal fin, which can be injured by an inaccurate transplant.


Calm peace-loving aquarium catfish, reaching 10 cm in length. They lead a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, like to dig in the ground, so it is better to equip the aquarium with various snags and other shelters for the fish. The soil should be coarse-grained.


These are predatory fish, leading a secretive way of life. Hunting, they can even bury themselves in the ground. Color rather modest and is an excellent disguise. In the care of a rather whimsical appearance, it is very sensitive to the quality of water.

Platidorsa Striped

The unusual nature of these fish lies in the fact that they lead a nocturnal life. They like to explore the aquarium and spend a lot of time outside their shelter.

These fish have black stripes on their backs. On the dorsal and pectoral fins there are sharp spines, and on the sides there are small curved thorns.


Aquarium catfish corridors are distinguished by a short body, the presence of two pairs of whiskers, and also bone plates. These catfishes are among the most popular among aquarists, as they are very peaceful creatures that can get along with any other fish.