How to collect eggplant seeds at home?

Procurement of eggplant seeds at home will prove to be a fascinating process, if the case is approached wisely. To picking the seeds of this particular vegetable, many gardeners approach with caution. But for this there is no reason if a variety is planted in the garden, and not a hybrid. In this case, it will be possible to collect good seeds and obtain an excellent harvest next year.

Selection of variety for seed preparation

Before describing how to collect eggplant seeds at home, one should name the most suitable varieties for their preparation. These experienced farmers say the old, proven varieties, such as "Delicacy". It will not be difficult to grow such a variety of aubergines as "Almaz" .

If the vegetable is grown to collect seeds, then it needs spatial isolation when the garden is located in the southern latitudes. In the northern latitudes there is enough isolation of a hundred meters. In how to take seeds from aubergines, there is nothing complicated. Seeds are made not only at home, but also in the factory. In both cases, the collection takes much less effort than growing a vegetable.

How to collect eggplant seeds?

The main snag that the vegetable grower faces when collecting seeds is a large number of "empty", underdeveloped seeds. To increase their quality, the maximum ripening of fruits is necessary. Therefore, the fruit from which the seeds will be extracted should be left on the stem as long as possible.

As soon as the time comes, they tear it away and put it in a dark place where the coolness prevails, for 2 -3 weeks. During this period blue is completely ripe.

If the vegetable grower knows how to properly collect the seeds of eggplants, then he takes the ripe fruit and cuts it into thin plates. Seeds are extracted with a spoon or knife. After extraction, they are dried at a moderate temperature, spreading on a tray or other similar container with a thin layer. Store the seeds in a room with good ventilation.

Thus, observing certain rules, you can easily prepare the seeds of eggplants in the home, which will be the key to obtaining a good harvest in the future.