Yellow spots on the leaves of cucumbers

Many families who have a small plot of land prefer to grow vegetables, for example, cucumbers. This will allow to enjoy ecologically clean fruits during the summer period, to make pickles and sunsets for the winter. However, the cultivation of these seemingly unpretentious plants is associated with some difficulties. Many gardeners complain of the appearance of yellow leaves in cucumbers. The cause of this phenomenon is unknown to many - perhaps a disease or a lack of something. Let's figure out why the leaves of the cucumber turn yellow and how to deal with it.

On the leaves of cucumbers yellow spots: the causes

  1. Most often, the lesions of the leaves of this beautiful vegetable are associated with unfavorable environmental conditions and diseases. So, for example, such a fungal infection as anthracnose is manifested by the appearance of yellow and light brown spots on the stems and leaves of the cucumber. Usually, it arises from excessive moistening of the air, which is typical for the greenhouse growing of a watery vegetable. Over time, these spots become sores filled with pink mucus.
  2. The reason that the leaves of cucumbers stain yellow, there may be another disease - ascochitis . This is also a fungal infection, which can be suspected by the fact that the leaves of cucumbers around the edges turn yellow, and also there are light brown and light gray spots that are covered with black dots - sporiferous particles of the fungus. Such manifestations appear first on the lower nodes of the stem of the plant. Then the cucumbers turn yellow lower leaves - the weakest and less lighted. Askohitosis quickly spreads over the vegetable, fruits become affected too: the stalk turns yellow, and then the fetus itself fades and blackens.
  3. There is also a disease of cucumbers when the leaves turn yellow: spots appear on the top of the leaf along the veins, the lower side is covered with a gray-lilac coating-spores of the fungus-causative agent of peronosporosis , or downy mildew. As the infection develops, these oily stains become brown, the affected leaf tissue falls out and the plant dies.
  4. The reason that the seedling of cucumber yellow leaves, there may be a mosaic - a viral disease. It usually develops on the leaves of young plants in the form of white and yellow spots in the stellate form.
  5. The black leg is a mushroom disease characteristic of seedlings. Affected at the beginning becomes the root system, then the cucumber turns yellow cotyledonous leaves (the first two), the root neck becomes brown. Disease is dangerous because it often leads to mass death of seedlings.
  6. To the yellowing of the edge of the leaves sometimes leads to a lack of potassium . If on the leaves yellow parts of the leaves between veins become, so the lack of magnesium .

What if there are yellow spots on the leaves of cucumbers?

If anthracnose is found, all affected plants should be removed to prevent contamination of the entire planting. If there were the first symptoms of the disease, you need to spray the cucumber so-called 1% Bordeaux mixture - a solution of copper sulfate and lime (100 g of each substance per 10 liters of water).

With askohitosis, it is recommended to wipe the affected parts of plants with a dry mixture of lime and ash, as well as spraying basal part of cucumbers Bordeaux mixture .

With the first symptoms of downy mildew, cucumber plantings can be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, taking 2 g of substance per 10 liters of water. With serious lesions, specific fungicides are needed to fight the disease.

If plants are affected by a black leg, watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate will be required.

When mosaics are manifested, the main measures are reduced to the destruction of individually affected plants and soil treatment with a 5% formalin solution.