Trichomoniasis - symptoms in women at all stages, modern diagnostics and treatment

Genitourinary infections are quickly and easily cured, but are rapidly progressing and have serious consequences. Trichomoniasis is one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies that are fraught with dangerous symptoms and complications. It is important to get information about it in advance and prevent infection.

Trichomoniasis - what is this disease?

This disease belongs to the group of urogenital infections. In the prevalence of all genitourinary diseases, the venereal disease of trichomoniasis ranks first. The reason for this is a long incubation period of the disease, during which the symptoms are weak or almost absent, and the obvious signs are not specific.

For early diagnosis it is important to understand how the trichomoniasis develops, the pathogen is a single-celled parasitic microorganism belonging to the type of protozoa and the family of flagellates. Trichomonads do not have sex, are anaerobic and omnivorous, so they reproduce very quickly even without oxygen. The optimum temperature for them is 36-37 degrees. Parasites are fixed on the surface of the mucous membranes of the urogenital system and actively move with the help of flagella.

How is trichomoniasis transmitted?

There are two known ways of infection with the pathology under consideration, but one is the main one. Trichomoniasis - ways of infection:

  1. Unprotected vaginal sex with the carrier. The disease is mainly transmitted during sexual intercourse (anal and oral - almost never), so it refers to a venereal group.
  2. Domestic infection. It is extremely rare and without intimacy to get trichomoniasis of the cause of the occurrence in women of this disease sometimes lie in the use of one washcloth and a bath towel with an infected person. These are special cases, because pathogens do not live long outside the mucous membranes. Infection and the onset of symptoms occurs only if the genitalia are rubbed with the specified objects immediately after the patient.

What is dangerous trihomoniaz?

The peculiarity of the described parasite is its fitness to the human body. Having fixed themselves on the mucous membranes, microorganisms provoke pathological processes. There are two main problems that cause trichomoniasis - symptoms in women include inflammation of the genitourinary system and a decrease in immunity due to the release of unicellular protozoa toxins.

The causative agents of the presented disease are able to withstand attacks of the body's defenses. They change their form and masquerade, penetrating into the bloodstream under the guise of lymphocytes or platelets. Trichomonads often "put on" themselves other microbes, as a result of which immunity destroys only secondary infections, and the true cause of the symptoms of inflammation "does not see."

Another danger of the disease lies in the ability of parasites to be combined with a large number of pathogenic microorganisms:

The enumerated pathogens fall into the trichomonads and appear in a peculiar envelope. In it, they are protected from the action of medications and the immune system. Trichomonads in such cases also serve as a "transport" for concomitant venereal infections. They damage the epithelium of the mucous membranes and open a "corridor" of microbes, fungi and viruses, even HIV.

This disease often progresses for a long time, goes into a chronic form and provokes many serious symptoms and complications. Trichomoniasis - consequences in women:

Trichomoniasis - incubation period

The speed of reproduction and spread of parasites depends on the activity of the immune system. With a systematic visit to a gynecologist, it's easier to detect and diagnose trichomoniasis in time - the symptoms are more pronounced in women than in men, the latter are more often carriers of infection. If the immunity is weak, the first signs of the disease are found after 2-4 days from the time of infection. The standard incubation period of trichomoniasis in women is within 2-4 weeks. Sometimes this period increases to 2 months if the pathology proceeds in an erased form.

How does trichomoniasis appear in women?

Frequent visitors to a gynecologist find it easier to diagnose the disease, because it almost immediately makes itself felt. The first signs of trichomoniasis in women include:

Urogenital trichomoniasis

When the urinary system is involved in the inflammatory process, the pathogens multiply both on its mucous membranes and in the vagina. The main signs of trichomoniasis in this situation:

Worse things are, if chronic urogenital trichomoniasis progresses - the symptoms suggest severe inflammation of the urinary system;

Vaginal trichomoniasis

The development of the described infection within the vagina is also accompanied by marked clinical manifestations. Signs of trichomoniasis in women:

If you know exactly how trichomoniasis is manifested, it can be cured even in the early stages of development. Otherwise, the pathogens of the disease will multiply, and "travel" through the body through the bloodstream. This will lead to chronic inflammation and serious complications. Especially dangerous is the progression of pathology for women planning to have a baby and getting ready for childbirth.

Chronic trichomoniasis

Sluggish form of the described disease develops due to lack of therapy or improperly formulated course of treatment. In such situations, it is more difficult to detect trichomoniasis - the symptoms in women only become apparent only periodically. Exacerbations are observed during drinking alcohol, sexual arousal, reducing the activity of the immune system. Chronic trichomoniasis in women - symptoms:

Excretions in trichomoniasis in women

This symptom is very specific and helps to diagnose the pathology in question almost immediately and accurately. Trichomoniasis in women is accompanied by foamy vaginal secretions of white or yellowish color. A characteristic feature of this liquid is a sharp unpleasant odor. It resembles rotten, rotten fish. If the disease progresses a long time, there may be bloody inclusions in the secretions.

Trichomoniasis - Diagnosis

To suspect the presented pathology allows its typical signs, well visible on examination at the gynecologist:

Infection of trichomoniasis is finally confirmed by laboratory tests of the vaginal smear. The following methods are used for this:

Is it possible to cure trichomoniasis?

This disease can be treated in any form and it is quite possible to get rid of it completely, even if there are mixed infections. Trichomoniasis of the vagina and genitourinary system is treated individually according to the severity of the pathology. In acute and uncomplicated course of the disease, systemic antiprotozoal agents are prescribed:

The course of therapy is 1-7 days, depending on the recommendations of the gynecologist. Longer chronic and mixed trichomoniasis are treated - expressed symptoms in women, indicating the presence of bacterial, viral or fungal lesions, require more intensive methods. In addition to antiprotozoal drugs are appointed:

Prophylaxis of trichomoniasis

Protect yourself from getting infected with the described disease easily, if you follow the recommendations of gynecologists. Measures for the prevention of trichomoniasis:

  1. Use barrier contraceptives (condoms).
  2. Do not have casual intimate relationships.
  3. Immediately after sexual intercourse, preferably in the next 2 hours, apply special antiseptics.