Plot for pregnancy

Many couples who want to have a child can not fulfill their dream for a long time. They undergo a lot of research, are treated in special clinics, but the desired pregnancy does not come.

Desperate, they begin to seek help in magical knowledge, resorting to various conspiracies and rituals for pregnancy. The conspiracy to acquire a pregnancy is a magical verbal formula designed to change the circumstances of conception, development and birth of a child.

Hoping to help the magical powers, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  1. Rituals must be performed only with their spouse.
  2. Read the plot best on the growing moon. It is believed that this should contribute to better development of the fetus in the maternal womb.
  3. It is best to use both conspiracy and prayers for pregnancy. Thus, one practice is amplified by another, thereby increasing the probability of conception and the birth of long-awaited offspring. As often as possible, one should visit the church and handle prayer requests to saints who patronize pregnant women, women and young children.
  4. Those who wish to have special prayers from infertility for the childless help well help couples. They are best read together with the spouse in order to increase the chances of conception.
  5. When reading plots for pregnancy (usually it is done before or after the alleged conception) you need to concentrate on the uttered words, imagining that the desire to have a child has already been achieved.

Plots for an early pregnancy

  1. The most effective at present are the methods of conspiracies of the famous healer from Siberia, Natalia Stepanova, among whom is the conspiracy for an early pregnancy. To get the result, you need to start reading the special text on the 3rd day of the new moon: "I'm getting myself an assistant. To the pens to get fat, to the body to vomit, to knock on the legs, so that the child can conceive. This is how the month of the month in the sky grows and comes, so the fruit of the slave (your name) begins and grows. In the name of Christ the Savior. Amen . " The conspiracy must be repeated three times. When reading a conspiracy, you need to tie a knot on a string or ribbon. The procedure must be repeated on a daily basis. At the end of forty days, forty knots are obtained. Conception occurs when this time expires. This technique was called the plot for pregnancy 40 nodules.
  2. A strong plot for pregnancy is a ritual with a mirror on a moonlit night. It is necessary to stand naked in front of the mirror so that the young month simultaneously reflects in it. Looking at your reflection, you need to imagine yourself pregnant and whisper the following words: "A month is young-new, a dear one's dear one, dear place, yes, only I'm your bride. You were born today, and I, the Servant of God (your name), will have a baby. To yourself for joy, to you for glory. May it be so. Amen . " After the ritual, you must spend the night with your husband.
  3. The ritual for pregnancy, which is held at dawn in the bath, is very strong and can only be done once. The girl must undress before the nightie and with her right foot stand in the basin with water. The conspiracy is to be read by a woman who is not related to her by blood relationship: "There will be a servant of God (name) early in the morning, in the morning dawn, with one foot in the colony bath. The slave (name) will call the force bright, for the good of the good. Give her the power of a bright, intelligent child. That shouted a loud cry in forty fast weeks, and in nine fleeting months. So that to the breast of a young man sided with his lips small, sweet. To the dashing little did not touch, and the severity of the birth of a slave (name) bypassed. And let her husband take the child, give him the worldly name. As the foot of a slave (name) now stands firmly, stands firm, so my word will be firmly, will be strong. What is meant is that to be fulfilled. What is said - it will come true. " After reading the plot, the girl should stand in the pelvis with both feet and rub her three-time nightclub with the words: "I believe, I hope, I expect the child".

Conspiracy to maintain pregnancy

If a woman is faced with the problem of miscarriage because of permanent miscarriages, she can take advantage of special conspiracies to maintain the pregnancy. To save a pregnancy you can do a plot on water. This is the simplest ritual that is performed immediately after awakening. On a glass of clear water, certain words are read: "My Mother of God, intercessor of all mothers, come out of your heavenly doors, to strengthen the servant of God (name), strengthen the fruit of her womb and bite its fruit. Bless and help. Amen . " Then it is necessary to drink every hour during the day on the throat of this water. And you need to make exactly a dozen sips. After the last sip, you can go to bed.

Also, to save a child, pregnant women can read prayers that are addressed to the Mother of God.