How to pickle vegetables for grilling?

Most people simplify their work and immediately after the vegetables are sliced ​​they are laid on the grill. We suggest that you go the other way and first marinate them, so it will be much more delicious. Therefore, read below how to marinate and cook vegetables on the grill and in this business you will not be equal.

Grilled vegetables on a grill in marinade

Cooking on the grill can be almost any vegetables, even cabbage, but only need to do everything right, then the result will surpass all expectations.



Let's start with the hardest vegetable - cabbage. It should be washed and disassembled into fairly large inflorescences the size of a matchbox. Then they should be boiled and dried.

Marrows are also mine, if they are not young and the skin is firm, then it is better to peel it with a vegetable peeler. We cut them with rings about one centimeter in thickness. Juice, which is let out zucchini promakivaem a towel.

Net eggplants are cut as well as zucchini.

Onion is cleaned and cut into thick rings, from one large bulb comes out somewhere 4 rings.

Pepper is cleaned and cut into 8 lobules, tomato in half.

Mushrooms are better to take small ones so that they do not have to be cut, but it was enough to just wash.

Now it's time for the marinade itself, mix butter, sugar, soy sauce, whole juice of one lemon, if desired, and its zest. Next we add chopped garlic, salt and all spices and herbs, if there is no fresh thyme and rosemary come off and dry. Now take 80 ml of sauce, add the mayonnaise and pick it mushrooms. Zucchini, onions and eggplants are greased with a sauce without mayonnaise abundantly with the help of a brush. The rest of the vegetables simply put in a bowl with sauce and mix. Bake all the vegetables better, separately, because. cooking time for all different.

Recipe for a universal marinade for grilled vegetables

And not only for vegetables, if you do not have time for marinating meat, for example chicken, just smear each slice with a sauce and lay it on the grill.



All the ingredients are mixed and well combined with a corolla until a homogeneous emulsion is obtained. Herbs you can choose any of your favorite, and you can and ready-made sets of type of Provencal herbs.

Grilled vegetable sauce

With this sauce you can pour ready-made vegetables on a platter, or you can grind them a little and prepare them in the form of a salad of marinated vegetables on the grill, then this sauce should be supplemented with garlic and fresh green basil.



Here everything is extremely simple, mix all the ingredients and water the ready-made vegetables. But to use this sauce for marinade it is not necessary, tk. honey, which is included in its composition can not be exposed to high temperature, while it emits carcinogens, i.e. poisons. But thanks to honey, the vivid taste of vegetables is preserved.