How to dry hawthorn in the home?

Surely many of us on the plot have an unpretentious shrub with spiny branches, which in spring pleases with beautiful and fragrant flowering, and by autumn with small bright red fruits. Both flowers and fruits have considerable value and are used quite successfully for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, insomnia, with stress and for calming the nervous system.

And the flowers and fruits of hawthorn can dry. And how to do it right, to get a really valuable piece with all its valuable properties, we'll tell you later.

How to dry hawthorn properly at home?

Before you start to dry the hawthorn, you need to properly harvest it. To dry the flowers, you do not have to miss the moment when they just opened and then carefully cut them or tear them. Do not do this after the rain, in the morning or in wet weather. The flowers should be dry and free from damage during collection. It is best to use only petals for drying, they must be spread on one layer on a dry and clean sheet of paper and placed in a warm, darkened ventilated place, stirring occasionally. On readiness, the workpiece should be poured into a tissue bag and suspended in a dry place without foreign smells.

Unlike flowers, hawthorn fruits are dried under direct sunlight. They can not be washed before this, or you can simply wipe them with a cloth. But it is more reliable to use the oven or electric dryer for this purpose.

How to dry the fruits of hawthorn at home in the oven?

To dry the hawthorn fruit in the oven, it is necessary to spread them on a baking sheet in one layer and place them on an average level. During the whole drying process, it is necessary to keep the temperature of the device at 60 degrees. The door should be slightly ajar so that moisture can escape freely.

From time to time, we check the readiness of the fruit. To do this, put on the palm of about seven or eight pieces of hawthorn and squeeze the palm into a fist. If the fruits are stuck together - continue drying further. On readiness, the hawthorn specimens will remain in the palm of their hands one by one.

How to dry the fruits of hawthorn at home in the electric dryer?

To dry the hawthorn in the electric dryer, it is necessary to spread the fruits on pallets and adjust the temperature of the device by 60 degrees. Readiness is checked in the same way as when drying in the oven.