How to become smart - exercises for the brain

The development of intellectual abilities helps a person to become better and achieve more in life. There are several tips on how to become smart, which teachers, psychologists and specialists in different fields give. Regular training and work on yourself, will help move forward.

How to become smart - psychology

Analyzing the abilities of different people and through the conduct of numerous experiments, specialists in psychology have identified several tips with which to improve intellectual abilities .

  1. It is important to define goals for yourself, to achieve which you need to develop and become smarter.
  2. Many psychologists, when answering a question about how to become an intelligent person, recommend reading books, and choosing literature follows that is interesting for a particular individual.
  3. Do not hesitate to ask questions to learn new information. You can address, both to live people, and to the Internet. It is equally important to ask yourself questions, trying to find an answer, because this is a sign of thinking activity.
  4. Finding out how to become smart, it is worth pointing out another effective advice - learn to focus on a specific task and do not get distracted. For this purpose, there are numerous psychological techniques and spiritual practices.
  5. Do not hesitate to think out loud, because it is proved that when a person speaks out information, attention is less distracted and he thinks more productively.

How to become smart - tips

For mental development, it is not necessary to go to special courses, to read books and solve problems, and for starters it is worth following a few simple recommendations:

  1. Try to regularly destroy your habits, for example, doing housework, use your left hand (for left-handed - the right one), go periodically for another way to work and so on. Thanks to this, new connections between neurons will be created in the brain.
  2. Finding out how to become an intelligent girl, it is worth giving one more effective advice - keep a diary, but you do not just have to make a banal list, but evaluate the events, analyze information and describe your own emotions.
  3. Regularly refill the vocabulary, it does not matter in what language. Especially valuable in this matter is classical literature, in which there are many rare words and interesting turns.
  4. If you are interested in how to develop and become smarter, then it is recommended that you exercise regularly, since it has long been proven that physical activity helps to effectively improve brain function. This is due to the fact that during training he is actively supplied with oxygen.

How to Become Smarter - Exercises for the Brain

There are many exercises that allow you to develop your abilities:

  1. For attention. Turn on the TV and set the clock in front of you. The task - watch the second hand, not being distracted by what's on the screen. When you can concentrate only on the clock for 3-4 minutes, then you can complicate the task and you need not only to follow the arrow, but also to play in your mind odd numbers from 1 to 9.
  2. To become smarter and develop memory, it is recommended that you do this exercise: write down 10 nouns that will first come to mind. For a minute remember their order, and then, turn over the sheet and try to reproduce them. Through time, the task can be complicated.

What games to play in order to become smarter?

To develop intellectual abilities it is possible and in the game form. If you are interested in how to become very intelligent, then for leisure use such entertainment:

  1. Many will be surprised, but the classic puzzle game is the favorite game of the 1990s - "Tetris" or puzzles. During the compilation of details, memory improves, critical thinking develops and the ability to assimilate large amounts of information.
  2. Checkers, chess, "Monopoly" and so on. All these games make a person think ahead, calculating possible moves, remembering information and developing thinking.
  3. Describing ways to become smarter, you can not help remembering the already popular crossword puzzles for more than a decade. Solving words, a person develops, remembers new information and makes the memory actively work.

Books that will help you become smarter

Reading different literature is the most accessible and one of the most effective ways how you can improve your intellectual abilities. It is recommended that you read these books to become smarter:

  1. "From Good to Great" by D. Colins . The tips suggested by the author teach how to properly identify the most valuable information from the general information, how to understand business processes and quickly move towards your goal.
  2. "Self-confidence" E. Muir . This book describes tips on how to become smart, recognize the strengths and become resistant to various life challenges and troubles.
  3. "Emotional Intelligence" by D. Goleman . A specialist in psychology gives practical advice on how to properly curb your feelings and emotions in order to easily achieve success in your career and personal life.

Prayer to become smarter

There is a special icon of the Virgin "Adding Mind" , before which they pray to choose the right path in life and achieve success in their studies. You can address to the Mother of God in situations where you need enlightenment of thoughts and help in choosing the right solution. Praying before the icon is allowed to parents about their children who have learning problems. If you are interested in how to become an intelligent woman with the help of Higher Powers, then get the image of the Virgin and pray in front of her every day.

Hypnosis to become smart

One of the most newfangled ways to increase your mental abilities and get motivation to learn is hypnosis. It is important to note that this method only accelerates the process of learning information and skills, increases the ability to concentrate and improves memory. If you are interested in how to grow wiser with hypnosis, then you need to go for help to a professional, because it's very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to introduce yourself into the necessary state.

How to become smart - magic

There are a lot of rituals that are aimed at improving intellectual abilities. The presented spell to become clever can be used by students who want to quickly learn the material and get rid of the experiences before the exams. With its help, you can quickly and correctly perceive and analyze information. For the rite, take any book, cross it three times and tell the plot