Hydrangea paniculate - planting and care

Any gardener would like to have on his site a beautiful flowering bush. Hortensia paniculate ideally fits into almost any landscape design. Her delicate, delicate inflorescences cause delight. Hortense looks very impressive when the petals of the flowers change color. It can be green, blue, red, pink, etc. This shrub came to us from faraway Japan. Planting and caring for a hydrangea panicle in the garden will not make you spend a lot of effort. This variety can withstand the severe frosts of winter and can grow even in a highly polluted environment, that is, near a road.

Planting a hydrangea with a panicle

Shrubs are planted by the method of propagation. The soil for hydrangeas should not be sand, and also contain alkaline elements (lime, ash, etc.). It is necessary to choose a place with scattered light and high humidity. Bear in mind that the bush does not tolerate drafts, so it is better to plant a hydrangea hydrangea near the fence or at home. Also, you should remember that its roots grow quickly enough, so the neighbors of the panicle in the garden can not be tulips and other bulbous plants.

Cuttings are planted at the end of March, so that the root system has time to get stronger before the cold times. Dig a pit with a diameter of 25 cm, a depth of about half a meter. To fall asleep young bush when planting it is necessary to land with drainage. After 10 days, the hydrangea starts to gain growth. If you want to plant a few bushes nearby, then observe the distance between them 2 - 3 m.

Growing hydrangea with a panicle

This bush grows quickly enough with the proper carrying out of certain garden works. Care hydrangea paniculate in the garden is necrotic, requires minimum effort. After you have planted the bush in the soil you need to observe the basic aspects:

  1. Watering . Hydrangea is a paniculate enough moisture-loving plant, therefore it needs to be watered in a day with plenty of water, and in the hot time additionally to carry out sprinkling.
  2. Fertilizer . In order for the bush to grow rapidly, it is necessary to feed it every two weeks with mineral mixtures for flowering plants or infusion of mullein.
  3. Weeding . In this hydrangea is not whimsical, but still, that moisture and air pass to the roots, loosen the earth at least once a month.
  4. Garter . A young hydrangea can not withstand heavy buds and bend, so tie it along the diameter during the ejection of the kidneys.

Now you know how to care for the panicle hydrangea and if you do everything right, then at the end of summer you will be able to admire its beautiful inflorescences.

Pruning and reproduction

If you want the bush to look beautiful and luxurious, then periodically cut it. With garden scissors, remove sprouts from hydrangea to 3-4 buds, so that the bush releases new branches and is lush. Also this procedure is carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation, but on each branch.

If you want to have on your site a lot of bushes of such beauties, then you need to know how to properly propagate hydrangea paniculate. This can be done by the method of propagation. Collect the desired number of spring shoots and plant them immediately into the ground. Pour with special growth preparations, such as "Kornevin". A week later the cuttings will begin to strengthen and let go of the roots. To do it it is necessary in June, otherwise the plant will not get accustomed. Constantly water the seedlings and make sure that they are in the shade. In the second year, do not let the plant bloom, cut off the branches so that it grows.


It is possible that your shrub will grow poorly after planting or throw out a little color. In such cases, think about changing its location. It is necessary to know how to correctly transplant hydrangea paniculate, so as not to destroy the bush. This is usually done before the flowering period, in the first half of summer. If the plant has more than three years, then to rejuvenate it first. Step back from the base of the bush meter and scoop it out. Before planting a new place in the soil, pour a mineral solution. If during the excavation you cut off a little of the root system, then do not worry, it grows quickly enough.