Inflammation of the sciatic nerve - treatment

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve is familiar to almost every second person in 40 years. Unfortunately, today young people can also suffer from such problems. In order to alleviate the condition of the patient, consultation of a qualified physician, examination and special therapy is necessary. In this case, complex therapy will be effective, including medical and physiotherapy treatment, manual therapy and special physical exercises. Only after this, the result will be visible after a few days.

Causes of sciatica

The main provocative factors include:

Basically, you can identify a lot of reasons that would be the beginning of sciatica nerve inflammation. But, unfortunately, some of them are generally unknown, since the disease often occurs against the background of the general health of the body.

How can you cure sciatica?

As a rule, the treatment is complex. This includes the use of special ointments, medications, nyxes and physical exercises. At any time, there may be an exacerbation, so during treatment you must adhere to the strict rules and recommendations of the doctor. It:

  1. Limitations of physical activity.
  2. Minimum time spent in the cold.
  3. Maximum bed rest.
  4. Carrying out the necessary exercises.

Treatment of sciatica nerve inflammation with one injections will not give the corresponding and desired result without additional funds.

Medical treatment of sciatica

The program of treatment with medicines practically does not differ from the treatment of radiculitis. This includes the local systemic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as various vitamin complexes and muscle relaxants.

The duration of the treatment of sciatica nerve inflammation, as a rule, depends on the course of the disease, but should not be too prolonged. For local effects, it is recommended to use irritating ointments that reduce pain and reduce the severity of the spastic syndrome. It is important not to overdo with the application of such ointments, since almost all of them are based on poisonous substances (bee and snake venom ) that help reduce pain.

Folk Treatment of Sciatic Nerve Inflammation

Bee wax and propolis:

  1. It is necessary to warm up the wax and spread it on the waist so that it is slightly hot.
  2. Before this, it is better to lubricate the loin with propolis, so that there is a warming effect.
  3. A plastic bag and a warm kerchief are placed over this compress.

This procedure is best done at night to warm up the spine well.

Compress of chamomile and elderberry :

  1. Plant flowers can be purchased at the pharmacy. Equal amounts of herbs to mix and pour boiling water in accordance with the method of preparation indicated on the package.
  2. In such a strong solution, dipped gauze bandage or any other tissue and wrap the lower back.
  3. Well wrapped tissue is left no more than for 5 hours, after which it is removed.

Pellet made from honey and rye flour:

  1. Ingredients should be mixed in such a ratio to get a tight cake.
  2. After that, the received mass is superimposed on the inflamed place for action at night.
  3. To strengthen the effect, you can wrap your back with a warm kerchief.

You can choose any scheme of treatment of the sciatic nerve, the main thing before choosing is to consult a doctor, as the nature of the inflammation can be different, and not every national recipe will help to cope with this.