Corner shelf for icons

From time immemorial our ancestors decorated their dwelling with icons. This tradition has survived to this day. In every Christian home there must necessarily be a place where the icon stands. Typically, this is the corner of the room, which can be seen right at the entrance.

To place faces of saints conveniently and beautifully, use special corner shelves for icons. Today they can be purchased in special Orthodox shops. But if there is no such possibility, then something similar to the corner shelf under the icon can be found in any furniture store. In this article, we will tell you that the place for a house altar is a malfunction.

What are the angle shelves for the icon?

Following the ancient Christian traditions for making such shelves, modern masters use good wood such as clear wood, oak, linden, alder. The finished product is varnished.

Wooden corner shelves for icons are usually decorated with carvings with patterns and patterns in Orthodox style or relief images of sheet metal. All this beauty emphasizes the importance of a place where a person can retire and pray to God. In addition, the corner shelf under the icon, made with the hands of the soul, will always fit in with dignity in any interior and fill the house with positive energy.

Many believers like to create in their house a true iconostasis, where you can put all the necessary prayer books, the Bible, candles, etc. For this case, a two-level corner shelf for icons. They often have special holders for candles and lamps, which is very convenient. In addition, modern masters are very skillfully able to decorate such products from wood , turning the shelf into a real work of art.

But, despite this, you can not place the angular floor for icons, not everywhere. So, for example, it is not possible for an icon to stand in front of a TV set or a shelf with images hanging somewhere in a niche or a cabinet. Therefore, choose the appropriate place for your home altar, and God give you all the best!