Rye flour - good and bad

Rye flour is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In Russia bread from rye flour was included in the basic diet in almost every house.

Ingredients and calorie content of rye flour

The main composition of rye flour in 100 grams of product is 61.8 g of carbohydrates, 8.9 g of proteins and only 1.7 g of fat. How many calories are there in rye flour? In the same 100 grams contains 298 kcal.

The composition of this product includes a large number of beneficial to the body mineral substances, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and many others. Calcium is necessary for the bone and nervous system, thanks to potassium, nerve impulses are transmitted. Normal blood formation is provided by iron and magnesium , and phosphorus promotes the health of bone and cartilaginous tissue. In rye flour, vitamins E and B are present. After the heat treatment, all the minerals and vitamins are stored in the final food.

Benefits and harm of rye flour

Properties of flour directly depend on its composition. For example, vitamin B1, or in a different way, thiamine supports the nervous system and metabolism. Its lack in the body can cause myocardial problems. Vitamin B2 promotes normal functioning of the thyroid gland and has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. Vitamin B9 - folic acid prevents anemia and promotes normal body growth. In the northern regions where there is a lack of heat and sun, baking from rye flour is simply necessary to improve overall well-being. The benefits of rye flour are palpable for people who suffer from anemia and metabolic disorders.

Contraindications in the use of products made from rye flour include increased gastric acidity and peptic ulcer. With these diseases, products from this meal will do more harm than good.

What is prepared from rye flour?

The dough made from rye flour is inelastic and inelastic, strongly sticking to the hands. This is due to the fact that the gluten content is too low in this flour. Therefore, making pastries at home, it is better to mix rye flour together with wheat flour in approximately equal proportions. This bread is twice as long as baked exclusively on wheat flour. From rye flour you can bake not only bread, but also cookies, muffins and flat cakes. Traditionally from this flour make a leaven for kvass.

Rye flour can absorb odors, so keep it away from products that have a strong flavor.