Products - magnesium source

Magnesium is one of the most valuable minerals for the human body, which at the same time is cruelly underestimated by us. Scientists believe that in importance, after oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, it is magnesium that occupies the most important place. Today we will look at what products are magnesium, and also why they should be consumed.


70% of the total magnesium in our body (20-30 mg) is contained in the bones. It is magnesium that gives them firmness. The rest of the magnesium is stored in the muscles, glands of internal secretion and in the blood.

Magnesium affects the absorption of vitamins B1 and B6, vitamin C, as well as phosphorus. Magnesium is a mineral of sedation, it relieves stress from nerves and muscles.

Consumption of products with magnesium content, acts vasodilator, improves intestinal motility, bile secretion, and also promotes the excretion of cholesterol. Magnesium activates the work of 50% of all enzymes, participates in protein, carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism, DNA synthesis.

Magnesium is directly linked to insulin, as its content in cells promotes the utilization of glucose in the blood. It also improves the patency of cell membranes of calcium, potassium and sodium ions. It also interacts with calcium, as an antagonist. Calcium imparts tone to the vessels, narrows them, shortens the muscles, and magnesium relaxes and dilates the vessels.

Products |

Vegetable products are the best source of magnesium. However, when processing (mechanical and thermal) in the products remains an insignificant amount of this mineral.

Based on the tables on the magnesium content of the products, the best source of magnesium is cocoa. However, given that 100 g of cocoa to eat is problematic enough, it is much more beneficial to "look" for magnesium in beans, pods, green vegetables and grains. That's why we recommend enriching your diet with beans, green peas, various pods, soy. Also to products with a high content of magnesium are buckwheat , pearl barley, barley, oats and wheat.

Alas, there is one "but". When processing grains: splitting, grinding, any cleaning, most of the magnesium is lost. Thus, buckwheat during processing loses 80% of magnesium, beans after preservation contains 8 times less magnesium than untreated (170mg vs. 25mg), canned corn - 60% less than raw. If you use magnesium from canned food, then choose canned peas. At conservation it loses only 43% of magnesium.

As for fruits, magnesium is abundant in dried apricots, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and all other berries, as well as in bananas, avocados and grapefruits.

Magnesium is fondly called "metal of life", and so this "metal" is also quite a lot in milk and dairy products.

Not only treatment deprives magnesium

The amount of magnesium, like any other substances, is very difficult to canonize in the tables. After all, their content largely depends, first of all, on the soil in which the products grew. From the acidity of the soil, from fertilizers, from the climate and from the plant variety itself. After all, even banal green peas have hundreds of varieties.

Despite the fact that the best source of magnesium is plant food, magnesium is also found in marine fish:

Daily rate

Daily intake of magnesium should be 0.4 g, and during pregnancy and lactation this rate increases to 0.45 g. Of products, with the normal operation of the intestine, 30-40% of magnesium is absorbed.

With a lack of magnesium, the general excitability of the body increases: anxiety, fears, hallucinations, muscle cramps and tachycardia.

With an excess of magnesium, general oppression, depression, drowsiness, osteoporosis and low blood pressure occur.