The father of four daughters showed how his everyday life really looks, and the Network is delighted!

It so happened that people, sharing photos in social networks, want to show only the beautiful side of life. And especially this concerns motherhood. That's why, other people's cadres always seem to us ideal and completely unlike our everyday lives.

But the father of four daughters Simon Hooper (Simon Hooper) categorically disagrees. Creating a page in Instagram, he was already the daddy of two daughters - 9 and 6 years old, and was looking forward to the appearance of two more daughters.

"My entire photo report is a desire to show how the upbringing of children really looks," says Simon, "often such shots are too sweet. Therefore, I want to share how everything looks really, well, with a drop of humor ... "

In a word, today the page of a large father is one of the most visited! Every day it is viewed by more than 700 thousand subscribers, and believe me, this is even more interesting than the series!

1. But what to do when the child was asked a homework on the topic "Sexual education of schoolchildren"?

2. What does your International Women's Day look like?

3. In the male half of the bed ...

4. Only two minutes have passed since the number of my children has doubled!

5. Charges to the road now look just like that!

6. Your fitness is just children's fairy tales compared to my gymnastics ...

7. Now we will check - who is whom?

8. Do you want to take a bath with foam? Yes, please, at least every night!

9. Try, please choose clothes, so that every princess is happy!

10. It looks like dad is just for that!

11. And no one will come running to save!

12. Guess which is my favorite toy for my little goats?

13. They will not leave me, honestly ...

14. Bathing unites the whole family! I wonder why so?

15. Did you think it's easy to be the daddy of four girls ???

16. But in the morning two fairies will run around the house!

17. And in which department did you expect to find me?

18. And you have not seen my pies and cupcakes yet!

19. I am the soul of a girly company!

20. Now I know that happiness looks like this!