Ghost Towns of the World

Ghost towns are found all over the world, at the moment there are more than a thousand. They were abandoned by people for various reasons, some of them were emptied due to economic recession, others were affected by natural disasters or were partially destroyed during wars. A significant part of such cities became uninhabitable due to anthropogenic reasons, people themselves made them unfit for life. All new ghost towns supplement the lists of notorious places on our planet. These gloomy and neglected ghost cities keep their sad history, which should become an edification for the next generations, reminding of the mistakes of their ancestors.

Ghost Town in Cyprus

One of the most famous ghost cities in the world is in Cyprus - its name is Varosha. For this city, 1974 became fatal, it was at this time that an attempt was made to overthrow the government. Its initiators were the Greek fascists, who demanded that Cyprus submit to the command of the black colonels of Athens. This entailed the introduction of the Turkish army into the country, which occupied about 37% of the island. It was then that Varosha became a ghost town, the inhabitants left their homes in a hurry and fled to the southern part of the island, in Greek territory, to save their lives. More than 16,000 people left their homes in the firm belief that they will return soon, but it's been 30 years, and the city is still empty. It was surrounded by barrier barricades and barbed wire, but these measures did not save the once prosperous city from the mass invasion of marauders.

Ghost towns of Ukraine

List of ghost towns of Ukraine, and perhaps the whole world is headed by the dead city of Pripyat. This place attracts endless streams of tourists from all over the world who want to enjoy the apocalyptic picture of the greatest technogenic catastrophe of the 20th century. This place is still known as Chernobyl, after all, the ghost town Pripyat arose because of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. Then, after a terrible incident, people were forced to flee the city, hastily leaving their homes. They escaped from the monstrous emission of radiation, which destroyed all life in its path. But a lot of time has passed since the accident, the radiation level in Pripyat fell to an acceptable rate. Even for a while it was opened for free visiting by tourists, later the order of entrance to Pripyat changed again, now only tours of proven safe routes are available. And the matter here is not at the level of radiation, but in Ukrainian youth, which was carried away by "stalkerism" - unauthorized stay in the restricted area, as well as uncontrolled removal of potentially dangerous items from there.

Ghost Towns of America

Ghost city of America also attracts a huge number of tourists who are eager to visit abandoned cities that have been prospering in the past. Over the past ten years, the number of residents of New Orleans decreased by 30%. That was the fault of Hurricane Katrina. He swept through the city with horrific force, depriving more than 100,000 families of their homes. Damage, which was caused by Katrina, is estimated at 125 000 000 000 dollars. The city is gradually emptying and growing weedy grass, this picture of the decline of human civilization attracts many tourists.

Specially built ghost town Firsanovka

Firsanovka is an abandoned city, which appeared due to the filming of the film "Notes of the Forwarder of the Secret Chancery." After the shooting was completed, the decorations were not dismantled. So there remained a small ghost town to stand, with abandoned apartment buildings, a church and even a dungeon. It is not surprising that many tourists want to visit this place.

Such cities, as well as other eerie places of the world and interesting places of the planet annually attract hundreds of thousands of tourists, adventurers.