Promise that these toys you will never buy children!

No, we will not complain that in our "scarce" childhood all toys were completely primitive and boring, and if you wanted something interesting, you had to do it yourself.

Seeing our selection of modern children's toys, you will understand why we changed the mind.

But the most insulting - all these terrible toys are not created for specialized stores, and you, strolling along the supermarket with the baby, accidentally can meet them on the shelves of the children's department!

1. Yes, this one-eyed doll!

2. Do you want to play with your friends?

3. Parents, and how do you later put the baby to sleep?

4. Well, modern realities.

5. Guinea pig in Japanese!

6. Do not bully in the presence of children!

7. Problems with self-identification?

8. And the bow of Gaucher could not be removed?

9. Would you eat candy, knowing where it came from?

10. From now on, your child will just stop loving strawberries!

11. Is this for children's role-playing games?

12. Is joy precisely measured by this?

13. Tale "Little Red Riding Hood" from A to Z!

14. Is it like the course of a young housewife?

15. What a diverse assortment in the bar!

16. It's even read creepy!

17. That's what it means - to motivate from the cradle!

18. Well, everything, this cartoon in your house is now not the favorite!

19. Mom, do not buy Smertyushka!

20. The main thing - that my father did not lose!

21. Two in one?

22. Just about ... play, learn, grow!

23. Sweet dreams, baby!

24. Yes, you see what you see!

25. Do you also need valerian?