Tears: the kid lost his favorite toy, but the Internet helped restore faith in the miracle!

Each of us in childhood was the most favorite toy, remembering which we involuntarily smile, but the soul becomes warmer.

And it's not because it was interesting to play - your favorite toy was a real friend, with whom you could sleep, eat, swim and even get into adventure. And if she was lost, it was like a tragedy of universal scale!

Well, now do you understand what happened in the family of a little boy who once could not find his rag elephant? In a word, even his parents had a hard time that day, but they did not despair, but on the contrary - they found the most ingenious way how to help a child survive this small "great grief" ...

On the Reddit platform, father and mother posted a photo of their son's favorite missing and asked users who "on you" with Photoshop to slightly embellish reality and show everything as if their baby's elephant elephant was not lost at all, but just went on a trip around the world and very soon return. And you know what? The reaction of the Internet was simply amazing!

1. And here it is - the same missing! Only shhh! We know about this only, but in fact an elephant is just ...

2. ... I wanted to see my relatives!

3. And fly with a parachute!

4. And get acquainted with new friends!

5. Look, he even stayed in Antarctica!

6. And walked around London ...

7. A bit rested in Peru ...

8. Made epic photographs with a statue of Liberty!

9. I looked to Japan during the cherry blossom ...

10. I went in search of Vikings in Norway ...

11. Visited the main temple of Cambodia!

12. I saw Ratatouille in Paris!

13. In general - coming off to the fullest ...

14. Well, for example, like a tour of the park in a kangaroo bag ...

15. And scuba diving with turtles!

16. The ragtail elephant even rode on a gondola!

17. And did not forget to visit Disneyland!

18. And I also stayed with my mother, father and brother and sister ...

19. Wow - yes, he even took part in the race of bulls!

20. And did not forget to mark about the Great Wall of China!

21. And have not missed the opportunity to ride a tram in Lisbon ...

22. I enjoyed riding a camel with pleasure ...

23. And lived in the village for a while at the Hobbits!

24. And, of course, the elephant sent a beloved friend a photo from his flight to the moon and promised to return soon!