Why give red roses?

Even in ancient times, a beautiful rose flower had a symbolic meaning. With his help, people expressed their emotions and feelings for another person. After all, roses can tell a lot better than any words! Today, the language of flowers has become more perfect by increasing the shades of roses. In addition, to decode the value of the flowers in the bouquet , the shape of the rosebud and their number are important. If you want to give someone red roses, let's find out what they are given and what they mean.

The meaning of red roses

Red roses are a symbol of love. In general, any of the roses conveys affection, warmth and love . However, the red rose is the queen of all roses, and she expresses the deepest love and affection. Speaking of more than romantic relationships, it symbolizes a deep passion and frantic desires.

Another role in the language of flowers is assigned to the red rose - to convey admiration and respect for the person, to tell about his courage.

But a beautiful bouquet consisting of red and white roses, speaks of unity. The same symbol of unanimity and loyalty have in the bouquet of white roses with a red border.

1 red rose, presented to a woman on a date, will say for you: "I love." If this rose is not yet fully dissolved, then it speaks of the shy love of the giver. And here are 3 red roses - a symbol of conjugal harmony, simplicity and sincerity of your relationship. Five red roses will tell you about your enthusiasm and recognition, it's a compliment and hope for a serious relationship. And seven red roses will tell you about the secret and insane passion that gave them. Large bouquets and compositions of red roses are presented in the form of a reward and honor.

Leaves on roses signify hope. Having torn off the leaves, you say that the chosen one has nothing to hope for. If you cut the roses off roses, it would mean "there's nothing to be afraid of."

If you are presented with a blossoming rose with two buds, then this speaks of secrecy or mystery.

Different varieties of roses can also say a lot. For example, musk roses will say that you are "charming and adorable", the tea says "I remember". Chinese roses tell us that "beauty is always new," and damascus - about "sparkling youth."