Funnel-shaped chest in a child

Approximately two percent of the world's population have such a deviation in the development of the osseous system as a funnel-shaped chest. This disease is congenital, although it manifests itself not immediately, but after a few months after the baby was born.

Causes of a funnel-shaped chest in a child

In most cases, this developmental anomaly is preceded by the impact of teratogenic factors during pregnancy, precisely at the time when the fetal chest is formed.

The degree of funnel-like deformation of the chest is as follows:

The most pronounced deformation is 3-4 years, and this is noticeable not only externally. Children who are diagnosed with this disease are more likely to suffer from bronchopulmonary diseases, that is, colds, bronchitis , pneumonia. This is due to the displacement of the respiratory organs, due to the cavity.

Becoming older, the child begins to experience health problems. Connections with cardiovascular system are connected, after all the heart too is displaced, and subsequently and hypertensive illness.

Important is the psychological factor, because when a child grows up, he begins to realize his own peculiarity and often becomes an object for ridicule. Funnel-shaped deformation of the chest in children significantly worsens the quality of life and sometimes causes the formation of a hump. Most often it happens with boys, with girls much less often.

Is this a congenital disease?

Treatment of funnel-shaped deformation of the chest, despite not very comforting predictions, should necessarily be carried out. The most common ways to influence deformation were and there is sport, physical education and wearing a special corset. All these actions, unfortunately, in any way will not reduce chest sinking, but will allow the body to better cope with its functions.

Any physical activity only positively affects the lungs and heart muscle, but they must be conducted under the supervision of specialists and on their recommendation.

Widely distributed, the so-called vacuum bell, which with the help of the suction cup is attached to the cavity on the chest, making it mobile and reducing the depth. But this method is suitable only for children and adolescents who have soft (non-normal) deformations. In the elderly, surgical intervention is performed, if in childhood the moment for treatment was missed.