What should I give to a christening girl?

Baptism is a ceremony from which the acquaintance with the church of every child born in the family of Christians begins. In addition to the clergyman and parents of the baby, the godfather and mother, the so-called "second parents", are traditionally present there. On their shoulders from this moment the big responsibility for the kid lies, and it is necessary to take care of starting the child from the moment of the ritual. And it is now about gifts that are presented for baptism. But not everyone knows what gift should be cooked. For example, what to donate to a christening girl?

Gift for christening girl: tradition

By tradition, the godmother gives a korzhnyu - a diaper or towel, which wraps the baby, as well as a shirt and cap - a set for the girl is decorated with pink ribbons. Such a gift for christening is often done by oneself - they sew or knit a christening dress and cap, some supplement the outfit with booties. Of course, the hand-made dress is preferable, but the ready-made baptismal kit can not be bought. And before christening dresses were inherited, in general, now, of course, this happens rarely.

The towel should be chosen big, if the girl is very small, and if the child is older, then the towel can be taken in the usual size. Towel, which wraps the child removed from the font, according to custom, do not erase after baptism and carefully store. It is believed that if the child falls ill, this towel will help him to recover.

Also, the duty of the godparents is to buy a child a cross and a chain, but according to the custom, the godfather should do it. The metal from which the cross will be made is not strictly stipulated - it can be both silver and gold. As for the chain, there are disagreements - the child's tender skin can rub, and therefore the first cross is carried by a baby on a soft ribbon or string. But to give the chain now, no one forbids, the goddaughter, when she grows up, will be able to wear a cross on her. Also, on the shoulders of the godfather, the payment of the rite of baptism and refreshment usually falls.

There is still such a traditional gift, no matter the goddaughter or godson - a silver spoon. This present was called a gift "in the teeth," that is, it is the first spoon of the child with which it will be fed when the time comes. On such spoons usually do engraving with the name of the child or Christian symbolism.

What else can you give a goddaughter to a christening?

With traditional gifts sorted out, but often only they do not stop there. What else can you give a girl for christening? Often give a soft toy with the wishes of the girl, and then she becomes the baby's favorite. Many present the goddess jewelry, for example, earrings that a girl can wear when she grows up. In principle, you can give anything to christenings, the main thing is that this thing is useful to the goddaughter, now or when the girl grows up.

Parents of the child on christenings often give "suitcases" with children's clothes. You can give the girl a beautiful dress or charming children's costumes. And if you want to emphasize your involvement in the gift, you can embroider on these things some pattern or wish to the baby. Also you can give a good baby bedding, soft and pleasant to the touch. The main thing, remember that this part of gifts is optional, there are no strict rules here - some money is given to the parents of the baby. All that is required of you at this stage is to realize that the child now needs your care, too. And to give him help and support is now your holy duty.