Melt water - how to cook?

The benefits of meltwater have been known to all for a very long time. Almost every second celebrity tells about this miraculous, contributing to the improvement and overall improvement of the state of health. And since anyone can prepare melt water at home under the power and ordinary people, anyone can use its miraculous properties.

Use of melt water

Although it is practically impossible to distinguish between ordinary purified or boiled and thawed water, there is very little in common between these fluids. The main difference between melt water - in its natural purity. The structure of such a liquid and the human cell is almost identical, and therefore the organism very well perceives thawed water. In the body, the fluid struggles with aged and worn out cells, thereby contributing to improved metabolism and rejuvenation.

The key to success in treating this method is how to prepare thawed water. With the help of the right drink, you can strengthen immunity and normalize the work of all organs. Regular use of water stimulates the brain and significantly increases efficiency, allows you to get rid of allergies and many dermatological diseases, contributes to the fight against excess kilograms. But the melt-water prepared from the wrong recipe is almost the same. Moreover, low-quality melt water can cause a lot of harm to the body.

How to properly prepare water at home?

This at first glance may seem that in the preparation of thawed water there is nothing complicated: poured water somewhere, threw it into the freezer, in time got it, drank it and got well. Of course, you do not have to invent a bicycle to get ice and melt it afterwards, you do not have to, but you should not underestimate the process of meltwater preparation.

Before you make a thawed water, you need to understand for yourself some details:

  1. It is recommended to freeze water in plastic or enamelware. Iron containers can come into contact with the liquid, making it less effective, and glass dishes of temperature changes may not survive.
  2. For the preparation of a medicinal product it is better to use pure water purchased in a pharmacy or at least passed through a filter.
  3. Cooking on thawed water can not be. High temperatures make it useless.
  4. The liquid must be stored in a tightly closed container. The fact is that water is very sensitive to foreign smells, sounds, moods - they can disrupt the structure of the liquid.

Knowing this, you can safely begin to study how to properly prepare melt water. There are not many recipes for cooking, and they are all very simple and accessible.

It is better for beginners to practice on small amounts of water:

  1. Put in a container about a liter of liquid and put it in the freezer.
  2. To water does not absorb unnecessary odors, the container must always be closed.
  3. Hold the water at minus temperature for about 12 hours, then remove the resulting ice and leave it.
  4. Ice should melt at room temperature, high temperatures can not be helped - useful properties will evaporate.

Drinking melt water is recommended as melting, then from it you can get the most benefit.

A more complex way of properly making thawed water will require special attention:

  1. The principle of preparation is the same, but after several hours after you put the water in the freezer, the vessel will need to remove and remove the ice crust formed on the surface. These are heavy impurities, harmful to the body.
  2. And after complete freezing, the ice should be split and drained of the liquid remaining in the unfrozen bubble inside - a solution of salts and chemicals.

If desired, melt water for greater efficiency can be frozen twice or pre-boiled.