Tea with ginger for colds

Ginger is famous for its amazing smell, scorching taste and useful properties, which turn out to be very useful during the epidemics of ARVI. The first remedy for colds is ginger, whether it's tea or just a root slice. Consider the recipes of the most healthful beverages from this product.

What is useful for ginger?

Aromatic root of a bizarre shape is one of the most powerful natural immunostimulants. If you use the product systematically, the probability of contracting a viral infection even during its outbreak in the team is minimized.

When cold, tea with ginger is effective, primarily because of its ability to strengthen the immune system, strengthening the body's defense mechanisms in the fight against infection.

In addition, the root has a warming, expectorant and soothing effect; relieves pain in muscles and joints, which is also very appropriate, because A viral infection is almost always accompanied by a so-called aches.

Tea from ginger and lemon for colds

In tandem with a lemon, which is a storehouse of vitamin C, ginger helps in the shortest time to overcome acute viral respiratory diseases. Strengthen the effect of grapefruit and spices.

At the first signs of a cold, it is worth boiling tea according to the following recipe:

10 - 15 cm of the root is peeled, finely chopped or grated.
  1. Add the resulting mush in 1 liter of water and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove the drink from the fire, add a few spoons of honey, juice a half lemon and whole grapefruit, as well as mint leaves, cinnamon stick, kukrumu, a pinch of black pepper.

A list of spices can be improvised, but lemon and honey are the main ingredients of ginger tea from the common cold.

Tea with ginger and spices against colds

Useful in ARVI drink, which is prepared on the basis of black and green tea:

  1. Tea is brewed according to the usual recipe, and then filtered into a pan and put on fire.
  2. When the liquid is warm, add a few seeds of cardamom and cloves to taste, grated ginger (one third of a spoon for one cup). If desired, you can put any citrus juice.

If cooking such a tea for a cold 20 minutes, ginger relieves pain in the throat, warms and accelerates recovery. However, for prevention, drinks from the root are also very effective.

If you have no time to bother with spices, and the virus has already made itself felt, it is appropriate to make tea in a hurry, just pour a few ginger rings with boiling water and add sugar or honey to taste.

Ginger from a cough

If a wet cough suffers, it will help to quench hot milk, to which add a third of a spoonful of dried ginger in the form of a powder. You can also put a little cup of honey and cucumber in the cup. This drink is best taken at night.

To facilitate expectoration with dry cough, ginger juice mixed in equal proportions with lemon juice and a spoon of honey will help.

In the fight against lung infections will help decoction of fenugreek seeds (shamballa), which is sold in the departments of spices:

  1. 2 spoons of this seasoning pour a glass of water, cook on low heat for about 10 minutes.
  2. After that, add half a spoonful of dry ginger powder and honey to the drink.

Other methods

As you can see, get rid of the symptoms of cold helps not only tea with ginger, but other folk remedies based on this healing root. For example, if you dilute its juice in an equal proportion with sugar and drip into your nose, for a few days will pass a runny nose and even sinusitis.

Ginger is useful as a means for inhalation - essential oil from this product is added to the inhaler in an amount of 1 to 2 drops, and the duration of the session should not exceed 7 minutes.

To remove a pain in a throat it is possible, having chewed a ring of a fresh root. By the way, this method is good if you need to refresh your breath urgently.