Cinquefoil white - application

All of us, of course, trust doctors and obediently go to the pharmacy, hold out the prescription and go home with a bunch of jars in a bag and a fairly empty purse. Will these medicines help? I want to believe. That's only if you ask advice from my grandmother, who with magic tea treats flu in two days, she snorts "Chemistry is all this!" And will partly be right. Modern pharmaceutics - the science is vast and saved many lives, but it still has white spots. For example, an absolutely miraculous plant is a white female tattoo, a tincture from which has not yet found its place on the shelves of pharmacies. However, the healing properties of the miracle root from this do not become less.

A little botany

White tartan has many "relatives", for example - the erect cataclysm, which in the people is usually called the mogul or the kalgan. This plant has strong positions in pharmaceuticals. There are also goatee goose, silvery, etc. In these species the flowers are yellow, and only the crenellated white shrub is different from the "relatives". Its flowers are snow-white, like inflorescences of strawberries. The plant is very rare, found in Polissya and nearby steppes. For Ukrainian folk healers, it is not a secret that the root of the tentacle white is a storehouse of useful substances. He contains:

Such a cocktail of useful substances does not boast of any medicinal plant, and the white blood cap on this criterion surpasses the majority of herbs recognized as traditional medicine. For example, magnesium, iron, and aluminum in the root of the tan is white, respectively, 4.0, 3.0 and 2.5 times greater than the criterion for the degree of concentration of minerals for medicinal plants. It also contains an invaluable stock of iodine and an anion of iodide, which makes the white lead irreplaceable in the treatment of thyroid diseases.

What is she treating?

Substances that contain the root of the tan white:

With the healing properties that the white bloodstream possesses, the treatment of the consequences of heart attack and stroke becomes more effective, the patient is restored in the shortest possible time, and the risk of recurrence becomes less.

True miracles creates the root of the tan white while treating thyroid diseases. Due to the high content of iodine and the ability to excrete radionuclides from the body, the use of white cotton can give irradiated people a second chance and helps the Chernobyl victims to regain male strength. Drugs based on the root of cinquefoil white are good for prevention, because the disease is easier to prevent than cure!

Where to look for it?

Behind the miraculous root you do not need to go to the forest. A cattail shrubby white can be and you need to grow yourself. Even if you have never farmed, there will be no problems. This plant reproduces vegetatively - by division from the maternal root. Cinquefoil white - a plant unpretentious, but does not like sunshine. It prefers neutral soil and moderate humidity. For the winter, the bush is worth wrapping.

The recipe for the tincture of tin is white: 15 g of the root must be crushed in a coffee grinder, and then pour 100 g of the most ordinary vodka. In a month the magic drug will be ready. Drink before meals (20 minutes) for 25 drops 3 times a day. The duration of the course is a month, then a week of interruption and treatment can be repeated.