Plantain - medicinal properties, contraindications and recipes

Plantain is an almost universally widespread plant, and probably everyone knows it from childhood as an affordable natural remedy for bruises, abrasions and cuts, helping to stop blood and promote rapid healing. But plantain can be used not only for these purposes, but cure many other, more serious pathologies. We learn about all the medicinal properties and contra-indications of plantain, and also consider some recipes for its use.

The use of psyllium in medicine

It should be noted that there are many kinds of plantain, but for medical purposes, basically, only two of them are used - plantain large and plantain flea. Therefore, we will continue to present information about these species of plantain, which have the same properties.

In the chemical composition of plantain found substances such as:

The seeds of the plant also contain a large number of mucus, fatty oils and amino acids, proteins, oleanolic acid, etc.

The above substances cause a variety of medicinal properties of plantain:

Indications for the use of plantain

Preparations based on psyllium are applied internally and externally with the following ailments:

Prescription of a medicine from a plantain from a cough


Preparation and use

Put the raw material in the thermos, pour boiling water and insist 2 hours, drain. Use for a quarter of an hour before the meal 3-4 times a day, as well as with coughing attacks, on a tablespoon.

Plantain against high blood pressure - prescription


Preparation and use

Pour the plantain with vodka and insist for two weeks in a warm place without access to light. Take 30 droplets three times a day, diluting with water.

Plantain for stomach treatment - prescription


Preparation and use

Freshly squeezed juice is combined with honey and diluted in boiled water at room temperature. Take three times a day for half an hour before meals for a month with gastritis with normal or low acidity, gastric bleeding, peptic ulcer.

Plantain from hemorrhoids - recipe


Preparation and use

Wash the washed leaves, pour boiling water and insist 5-10 minutes. Then wrap the warm leaves in a piece of bandage and attach the resulting a lotion to the hemorrhoidal node , holding until cooling. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Contraindications to treatment with plantain:

An additional contraindication to the use of psyllium seeds is bronchial asthma.