Grass Portulac - healing properties

Portulac, by and large, is a useful plant, it is used in non-traditional medicine, it is excellent as a cosmetic product, and also suitable as a food.

The healing properties of the plant

Portulac eliminates inflammation in the bladder, reduces pain in hemorrhoids and enterocolitis. Its broths have an antimicrobial effect, which is why they cope well with dysentery and conjunctivitis. It turned out that the grass removes dizziness, is able to treat hypotension, relieves joints from accumulated slag. The treatment of lichens and ulcers with decoctions of broths completely frees these unpleasant ailments.

Compresses from the portaloque save people suffering from psoriasis from itching and flaking, thanks to the beneficial properties of portolac, ulcers quickly heal. Fresh grass juice is used to remove warts.

Portulak restores the normal functioning of the heart muscle and is a good tool for stopping bleeding, is also used to treat certain types of sexually transmitted diseases.

Traditional medicine, familiar with the properties of the seal, advises in cholelithiasis, as well as to lower cholesterol in the blood and prevent the deposition of fats and calcium , use decoctions and infusions of leaves and shoots.

Useful properties of Portulac, and the reasons for them

The medicinal properties of the herb portolak determines its chemical composition. In the leaves of the plant there are tetra terpenes and tetterpeneoids (carotenoids), which are necessary for synthesizing vitamin A in the human body. Vitamin A is responsible for the state of our skin, the organs of vision. In the grass contains 65 mcg of vitamin A per 100 grams, with the daily requirement of our body at 800 mcg.


Damage to the plant can occur during pregnancy, since perforation increases the activity of the uterus, thereby leading to miscarriage. Do not use the herb in case of excessive excitability of the nervous system and exhaustion.