Shingles - treatment with folk remedies

The appearance of the disease is due to the manifestation of the activity of the varicella-zoster virus, which remains in everyone in the body after the transfer of chickenpox in childhood. The resulting herpes zoster disease, the treatment of folk remedies which is one of the main components of successful therapy, requires timely detection. If the first signs of a disease appear in painful vesicles, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Folk remedies for shingles - external application

Lotion from herpes zoster

Application of herbal formulations allows to neutralize the virus and reduce the symptoms of the disease:

  1. Marl is dipped in alcoholic infusion of wormwood .
  2. Fix a bandage and hold for twenty minutes.
  3. After that, the skin is lubricated with castor oil.
  4. The procedure is done several times a day.

Combat the symptoms of a mixture of freshly siberic leaves, which are applied as a compress.

Another folk remedy for shingles is manufactured and applied as follows:

  1. Mixing a spoonful of salt and baking soda, add water so that the structure of sour cream is obtained.
  2. Three times a day, treat the skin with this mixture.

Folk treatment of herpes zoster - a bath

One of the most effective methods is the reception of trays with the addition of sea salt. At the same time, its quantity should not exceed 10 percent of the total fluid. Baths are taken until the water turns cold. It is also recommended to add a couple of drops of iodine to the water. Eliminate pain by adding a glass of starch to the bath. Follow the procedure every other day.

Shingles - folk remedies for internal use

To restore immunity and normalize the general condition, it is recommended to resort to such compositions:

  1. Tincture of propolis is quite popular. It is advised to add 10 drops per drink.
  2. Good effect has decoction of burdock. The mixture of the plant (spoon) is poured with boiling water (glass). Leave for an hour. After this, the composition is filtered and drunk on a spoon throughout the day up to ten times.
  3. When combating shingles, it is also useful to use a folk method of treatment, such as taking ginger tinctures. The ground root (150 grams) is poured with vodka (0.8 liters) and put on for fourteen days. After filtering, drink before eating on a spoon.
  4. During the day you can drink warm infusions yarrow, tansy or wormwood.