Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Even in ancient times, Christians began to read dates associated with significant events that occurred during the earthly life of the Virgin Mary. There are many memorable dates, when the days of consecration of the most famous temples and icons of the Mother of God are celebrated. But there are major church holidays in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, included in a separate list, which is called the feast of the Mother of God. It is this list, which is very important for all Christians, we give in our brief article.

Holidays in honor of the Blessed Virgin:

  1. Opens the list of the Orthodox holiday of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin, which is so revered by the people that it is even associated with many signs. Christians celebrate this great event on September 21 (September 8). It has a high status, as it is included in the number of twelve-day holidays.
  2. The next calendar day on September 22 (September 9) is also included in the list of the Mother of God feasts. On this date, the Day of Remembrance of Joachim and Anna falls, the parents of the Virgin Mary were, ranked by the church to the rank of saints.
  3. December 4 (21.11) marks the twelve-day festival in honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin.
  4. In the winter, there are many memorable dates for each Christian. December 22 (9.12) is celebrated Conception of the Righteous Anne of the Blessed Virgin.
  5. We know that on January 8 (26.12) is the next day after Christmas, which bears the church name of the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin. It is on this day that we should join prayers to the glory of Christ with the praise of the Virgin Mary.
  6. April 7 (25.04) was significant event, when the Archangel Gabriel announced to the Mother of God that she was given a great mission to give birth in the flesh of Jesus Christ. The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the twelve Great Feasts.
  7. The Sabbath of the Akathist can fall on different calendar days, but is always celebrated every 5th Saturday from Lent.
  8. Friday of the Easter week is an important church date - it is the Day of Consecration of the Church of the Blessed Virgin in the Life-giving Source in Constantinople.
  9. Clothes belonging to the Virgin Mary - the most important relic, in honor of which the small holiday is based The position of the vesture of the Blessed Virgin in Blakhern. It is celebrated on July 15 (2.07).
  10. August 7 (25.07) should be celebrated Assumption of the righteous Anna (small holiday).
  11. Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos is the most important twentieth feast, which should be celebrated on August 28 (15.08).
  12. Completes our list on September 12 (31.08) The position of the belt of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Khalkopratian temple, which is the most important shrine associated with the earthly abode of the Virgin Mary. Note that this holiday falls on the last day of the church year.