Nootropil analogues

Nootropil is a nootropic drug, the use of which positively affects the work of the brain. It helps improve memory, concentration, is effective in brain injuries, providing protective effects during intoxication. Nootropil, analogues and substitutes of which are considered in the article, due to the availability of various dosage forms can be prescribed to both adults and children.

Among the most popular analogues of Nootropil it is worth noting:

What is better - Nootropil or Fenotropil?

The main difference is in the active substances. In Nootropil - this is pyracetam. Fentotropil - fonotracetam. The latter drug is not only nootropic, because it has a multifaceted effect on the body, providing antidepressant, psychostimulating and nootropic action. It should be noted that the medicine starts to act immediately, while at the reception of Nootropil it is necessary to drink a whole course. At the same time, with prolonged use, excessive stimulation of the nervous system and the appearance of a psychotropic effect are observed. Therefore, it is recommended only in acute cases, requiring the mobilization of all body resources.

Which is better - Mexidol or Nootropil?

When choosing one of these tools, it should be borne in mind that Mexidol , unlike Nootropil, is an antihypoxic, that is, it has a tranquilizing property. This means that after receiving it, there is no activation of mental activity, but on the contrary, a soothing effect. However, with regard to its effectiveness, the effect on the body is ambiguous. Many specialists consider it only a drug promoted by the company.

What is better - Nootropil or Lucetam?

Lucetam is synonymous with Nootropil. These agents have in their composition the same active substances. However, in order for Nootropil to act, the frequency of taking the medicine is increased. Lucetam has a higher concentration of active substance, therefore it is prescribed at high dosages.

Which is better - Nootropil or Tanakan?

These funds differ, primarily by composition. Tanakan is a rather mild plant product that does not have contraindications. Nootropil in comparison with it has a large list of side properties. It can also be used in the therapy of children, starting with the infant age.

The disadvantage of Tanakan is its high cost. And if you count it for the whole course of treatment, then a whole condition comes out.

What is better - Nootropil or Cavinton?

These drugs differ from each other degree of influence on the body. Cavinton stabilizes the blood circulation of the brain, raises the tone of the veins and arteries. But it has a gentle effect on the body, so it is especially suitable for the elderly. However, the effect does not appear immediately, because of which a prolonged The course of treatment for the detection of positive results.

Nootropil is characterized by a rapid effect on the body, so it is taken in acute situations to raise the tone and improve mental activity. With his continued admission (more than two weeks) there is an addiction, and the drug ceases to function.

Which is better - Nootropil or Glycine?

Glycine is one of the most popular tools for mental work. It is completely harmless, has no contraindications, can be used without doctor's advice. In addition, it is quite cheap. But you can drink only under the supervision of a specialist.