How to be baptized correctly?

The tradition to impose the sign of the cross came from the distant, biblical times, when they crucified Jesus Christ for the sins of mankind. This action is a desire of the baptized to show gratitude to Christ for self-sacrifice for the sake of our salvation, and faith in the power of the Most Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The cross is a peculiar content of the Christian teaching - the Creed. It is difficult to overestimate the power of the cross, as according to the traditions of the saints, with its help, the storms were tamed, extinguished the elements of fire, blocked the mouths of animals and made harmless deadly poisons. We are doing this act to get rid of impure thoughts, taming passions and exiles, evil spirits.

How correctly to be baptized Catholics?

In the Catholic faith there are no strict rules in the application of the sign of the cross, it can be different, depending on the traditions of a certain locality.

For example, Greek Catholics are baptized in the same way as representatives of the Christian teaching, from the top down, from the right shoulder to the left. At the same time, Roman Catholics do this in their own way, from top to bottom, then the left shoulder, and behind it the right, while the fingers are folded in different ways, pressing the index, the thumb and the middle finger, and the two remaining straighten together. Also, the second option is allowed, the ring finger is pressed to the large one, and the middle and index fingers are closed, directed straight. There is a third kind - when all five fingers are not fully brought together in a pinch.

In Latin America, completing the craning, it is customary to apply a fingernail to the lips on the thumb.

How to properly baptize?

Carrying out the tradition of baptism, the most important requirement is to do it with pure thoughts, with all your heart, wishing yourself and your relatives only good, but not material, to believe in the strength of the ritual performed. It is also important to hold your fingers correctly when you are baptized, the three fingers of the right hand - a symbol of belief in the Blessed Trinity, folding your fingers together, we express faith in the Trinity Uniform and indivisible, and the folding of fingers is exactly the symbol of recognition that the Trinity is Equitable. Folded two other fingers, a sign that there are two natures living in Jesus: divine and human, pressing two fingers of a little finger and an anonymous finger to the palm, means acceptance that the Lord descended from heaven for the salvation of mankind. By laying the cross, we confirm our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. First, we put the folded three fingers to the forehead, asking him to consecrate his mind and thoughts.

Touching the chest, in the solar plexus, we ask you to save your heart and feelings.

Putting your hand on your right and left shoulder, we ask you to strengthen your strength and consecrate good deeds.

Also, you do not need to wave your arms at baptism, because St. John Chrysostom said that by such movements we anger God and rejoice in Demons.

How to get baptized right before entering the Orthodox Church?

To be baptized is necessary before entering the territory of the church , facing the church, then before the door to the church itself, it is decided to arrange the cross three times. Another bow is added, so we prove humility, acknowledge sinfulness and honor the greatness of God.

In order to cross, gather the middle, index and thumb of the right hand together, and the remaining two - press into the palm of your hand, alternately bring your hand to your forehead, then to the bottom, then to your right and left shoulder. Bow down after the cross, first, with your arms down, bowing to the level to the belt, or to the floor. In the room, you also need to cross in front of the altar and the icons to which you approach. When leaving, perform the same procedure, before entering the church and leaving the territory.

Having cast a cross, you perform the bright mystery of the Lord, remember this and take it seriously, then you will receive the desired protection, reverence and blessing of God.