Principles of proper nutrition

I do not want to disappoint anyone, but I'll have to start by saying that diets and a balanced diet are not at all identical concepts. During a diet, your body experiences stress, which can be called fear. Fear of death from hunger (we have everything in full seriousness). He remembers this stress well, and in moments of happiness, when you leave the diet and start eating more or less normally, he will be "smart" and begin to stock up in case of a new famine. The process of storing for a case of hunger is called a slow metabolism, that is, after losing weight on a diet, you will begin to grow much more active than before, and from more harmless foods.

From all the above, it is not difficult to conclude that to the principles of proper nutrition, this has nothing to do. Proper nutrition is a varied stable diet that satisfies you physiologically and psychologically. In other words, it saturates the body with all useful substances and satisfies the natural psychological need - the pleasure of absorbing food.

Useful food - delicious food

You can not live all your life on a diet, and this time not because of a slowdown in metabolism , but because of a psychological disorder that will very quickly overtake you. Healthy food should not be tasteless. To date, we have such an abundance in food that every person can easily pick up a diet based on the basic rules of proper nutrition, and from personal gastronomic preferences.

Enzymes and digestion

If you want to lose weight, or just finally switch to a healthy lifestyle, it's time to realize what lies on your table. This is a simple combination of products, and this is not a separate food. The menu according to the principles of proper nutrition can be divided into three categories:

To digest proteins you need acid. For carbohydrates - alkali, which produces salivary glands. A vegetable food contains both nutrients and enzymes for digestion.

Do not eat meat with bread or milk with vegetables. Simply because, it slows down digestion processes and promotes indigestion, bloating, intestinal blockage.

Our portions

In order to lose weight, you need to spend more energy than you consume or consume less than you spend. Let's explain the difference: if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and can not afford to increase the percentage of training in your strict schedule, you should consume less. If you prefer to lose weight, first of all, due to physical exercises, you can leave the amount of calories untouched, with increased loads.

If you eat 5-6 times a day, most likely, you will lose the desire to eat up to the heap. Why is it harmful? At least because you stretch your stomach, which increases in volume begins to require more and more food.

Time to eat

Alas, everyone knows that you can not eat at night, looking, but knowledge, does not yet save from the feeling of hunger brutal for some reason just before bed.

The principles of proper nutrition for weight loss are:

Every child knows this. But we often encounter a lack of appetite in the morning, so do not eat breakfast, and then, like a domino, the entire regime of the day gets lost. In order to be hungry in the morning, you should not eat at night. If you want to train yourself for breakfast, do not eat without getting out of bed, take a shower, do morning exercises, drink a glass of water, and after that you will necessarily be hungry.

Everything is so, because for all this, you will need to get up a little earlier, but after all, losing weight is worth it.