Uryuk - useful properties

Originally from Asia, a nutritious and no less delicious apricot, and otherwise - dried apricot with seeds inside, helps not only to eat, but also has a number of useful properties. In addition, the composition of some vitamins necessary for the body is increased by 6-7 times.

What is useful apricot?

  1. Sweet fruit of sunlight contains fiber . Thanks to it, the body is able to easily get rid of toxins and other substances that poison our health. In addition, this plant-based nutrient helps to remove "bad" cholesterol, and also significantly reduces the amount of sugar in the blood.
  2. Uryuk is a treasury of wine, salicylic, apple, citric acid, and their useful properties consist in the fact that the acid-base balance is maintained in the human body. In addition, they improve the motor functioning of the intestine.
  3. This dried apricot gives a charge of vivacity and energy for the whole day, providing a tonic effect on the body as a whole.
  4. Particularly useful fruit to people suffering from thyroid diseases. In dried apricots, as in fresh fruit, there are compounds of iodine. It will not be superfluous to note that the apricot has a beneficial effect on the work of the brain, feeding it with such mineral substances as: potassium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Considering the question of what all the same is useful for the organism of the apricot, it is important to remember that in a fresh apricot, filled with the aroma of summer, the potassium salts contain about 300 mg. In the dried form this value increases almost 5 times. Proceeding from this, the apricot is recommended to include in your diet people with kidney failure and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

What is more useful, dried apricots or apricots?

Uryuk occupies the first positions in dried fruits containing potassium. In addition, with its regular application, you can significantly improve the condition of the hair and rejuvenate the skin. But the dried apricot surpasses the previous sweet fruit by the amount of carotene and sugar.