Slimming breakfast

Probably everyone remembers the expression: "you eat breakfast yourself, share your dinner with a friend, give dinner to the enemy". By this principle, most athletes, dieticians, and, of course, followers of a healthy lifestyle live, thereby popularizing in the diet only products of plant and animal origin.

In this article, we will leave a little disregard for lunch and dinner, and we will talk directly to the lunches, i.e. breakfast, tell you how to properly combine food, and what to eat to lose weight.

Breakfast for slimming

Many doctors have long ceased to argue that it is a balanced breakfast that will help to solve the problem of excess weight, and lack of nutrients for the body. What can I say, if the "breakfast" metabolism is 5% more intense than the average. And the biggest plus is that everything eaten on the morning meal is completely processed into energy. I think that you have a ripe question: "What time should breakfast be, so that extra calories do not accumulate on the body?". Fortunately, you have time until 10 am. Until that time, you can consume half your daily calorie rate, and the remaining "half" is neatly distributed for a whole day, not forgetting that the taboo is the time 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Having decided that low-calorie breakfast is not suitable for losing weight, we will talk with you about the most suitable products. Of course, these are cereals, fruits and dairy products. So, abroad, a number of families have long introduced a product such as muesli into their diet. On the Internet, there is a lot of conflicting information about their usefulness, but it is better to give preference to conventional grain. It's 100% natural, and useful.

Protein as a weight killer

Also, an alternative to cereals can make up an ordinary scrambled eggs for breakfast. Earlier it was believed that eating in the morning hours of eggs, promotes increased cholesterol. Now this myth has been dispelled for a long time. Biologists have confirmed that in eggs there is no bad cholesterol, which leads to deposition in the form of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. And American scientists conducted an experiment where people eating egg white for breakfast were losing 65% faster than those who did not. So we already have two ways to diversify our morning ration. On the table - carbohydrates and protein, on the body - 90-60-90. By the way, the protein found in eggs can be found in other foods. So no less useful - cottage cheese, cheese, fish, beef and chicken. So the variety is "on the face".

Hot breakfast

I do not want to get around the fact of drinking coffee for breakfast. Many of us, dear ladies, are limited to eating coffee only in the morning. And this, of course, is not correct. As already mentioned above, a full breakfast is a fuel for our body. And an invigorating drink in the morning can be like a cup of green tea, and well-brewed coffee. The main thing is not to overdo it with the daily dosage. After all, whatever one may say, the excess dose of caffeine in the body will only strengthen your appetite, and our entire conversation about breakfasts for weight loss will be reduced to none. And we certainly do not want this.

The correct breakfast for losing weight

Thus, everything that we eat is reflected visually. Correctly they say: "We are what we eat". And with the right combination of food and meal time, we can achieve the ideal harmony of the soul with the body.

Do not forget also that weight loss is just a mathematical formula: you need to burn more than you consume. At the same time, to pay an important role to a proper breakfast and not forget about physical exertion.