Dill - benefit and harm

Various greens perfectly complements the taste of dishes, both vegetable, meat or fish. In addition, it is low-calorie, contains various vitamins and substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Dill - is very common, it is perfectly combined with potatoes, perfectly complements the taste of salads and meat. You can buy this greens at any time of the year, its cost is not too high, so it is available to almost all citizens. But the benefits and dangers of dill should be known in advance. The more responsible a person approaches to compiling his diet, the better for him.

Benefits of dill for the body

This plant contains a large amount of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. Also in it there are vitamins , including group B, and essential oil. These substances are excellent in helping to maintain immunity during the flu season and colds, improve the digestive process, and also have an antibacterial effect.

The use of dill is also the fact that with its regular use reduces the risk of carious lesions of the teeth. The substances contained in this greenery help to destroy bacteria in the oral cavity.

The use of dill for women

Care must be given to this greenery of the girls "in a special situation." A saturated flavor and a specific flavor of seasoning can cause a nausea attack. All the rest of the fair sex can and should eat this seasoning.

Dill will help relieve nervous tension, strengthen immunity and even reduce pain during menstruation. The substances contained in the plant help neutralize the effect of free radicals, the main enemies of female youth and beauty. Girls who add this seasoning to the dishes are less prone to fatigue and a bad mood.