How to protect yourself from evil eye and spoilage?

Unfortunately, no matter how you try not to pay attention to the depressed mood after a quarrel with someone or to complain about the threshold of the cold for the second week in a row, refusing to eat, undergoing headaches and terrible dreams, you have to admit - the deterioration of a person exists.

Witchcraft is either an energy information chain - everyone understands how it is convenient. The essence is one - after feeling a conspiracy, everyone begins to look for a strong guard against spoiling and evil eye through acquaintances or on the Internet.

From spoiling, you can save yourself with a few simple but very effective recipes. First of all, keep your mouth shut more often so that you do not ask afterwards how to protect yourself from the envy and evil eye that you yourself have let loose. Understand, people around are accustomed to hearing only what is beneficial for them to listen to. And everyone loves to gossip, and even you yourself. To avoid excessive rumors about yourself, take care of your joys for those who are able to share them with you.

Ways to avoid spoilage

The remaining ways how to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage are no less simple than the first - silence.

  1. Take any thing you often wear. Best fit rings, bracelets, pendants. Put in the night in water with a high content of silver. Similarly, the consecrated water operates and is spelled out by prayers for salvation and preservation. Now you have a personal talisman, which will be a serious barrier to damage. Once a month, leave your amulet for the night in a glass of holy water.
  2. A good guard against evil eye and spoilage is a red thread, which serves as a protection for babies. Having tied it with a knot on your wrist, you create a protective circle. The red color is bypassed by evil forces.
  3. If you feel that the corruption settles in within you, then you need to act immediately, while the self-defense instinct is still working. Take 9 chicken eggs and set them aside. Of these, you will not cook anything and you can not lend, sell, give. Every evening, during the next 9 days, break the egg in a bowl with clean water and place under the bed at the head or as close to the head, but that night does not turn the bowl. In the morning, first of all, pour the bowl necessarily from yourself behind the yard or into the toilet, with the words "where did it come from, and went away". For the current 9 days, the corruption will go back to the person who burns.

Knowing how to protect yourself from the evil eye, you can protect yourself and your entire family from envious people.