Simoron rituals to work

Simoron's rituals for work are simple actions that will help you to take an optimistic look at the job search and adjust your thinking to the right way. The main thing is that they need to be practiced, and then everything will turn out the way you want. So, let's look at the different Simoron rituals for a good job.

Simoron ritual to attract work

This ritual is incredibly simple, but at the same time effective. It helps to rebuild your thinking, so your life will be rebuilt.

Take a sheet of paper and write what you want to get a job, specify the schedule, salary, place and position. Describe everything exactly as it would be ideal for you. And then put this piece of paper in your pocket - the work of your dreams is already "in your pocket!". Often remember this, take out the paper, reread. But do not get hung up and do not wait for the result. You already have work!

Simoron Rijal for job search

If you know the exact location in which you would like to work, try to take a picture near this building or inside it. Snapshot print and hang in a prominent place or your wish board - and you're done! You are already at this job.

Simoron ritual for work

If you want to cajole the boss, convince him to give the post to you, you can conduct a cute ritual, a bit like the magic of Voodoo .

Take a small toy and equip it with a workplace - computer, desk, stand with the office. Speak to him the text that you are preparing to say at the interview, tell them everything without hesitation, show yourself with the best of luck. And most importantly - spread it with oil!

When you come to a real interview, say the prepared text and present an oily toy in the place of a potential employer! You will be sure that you will succeed, which means that you will really succeed.