Analyzes on allergens in children are the best ways to find out what an allergy is in a child

Analyzes on allergens in children - a laboratory technique that allows you to identify the substance to which the body reacts violently. Increased sensitivity can not only create discomfort, worsening the quality of life, but also lead to death. For this reason, allergic test is very important. It gives complete information about the baby's immune system.

How do I know what an allergy is in a child?

To suspect that the baby's organism reacts incorrectly to certain substances, parents can even before the visit to the doctor. To judge the failure will help such symptoms:

All these symptoms serve as an alarm bell. We must immediately go to the pediatrician, who, after carefully examining the baby, will give a referral to the allergist. This specialist will prescribe the necessary laboratory tests. He knows exactly how to determine what an allergy is to a child , and how to stop such an organism reaction. There are several types of research:

Blood test for allergens in children

Such a study is multistage. It begins with the delivery of a general blood test. It is taken on an empty stomach. In the presence of a pathological reaction of the body, the result shows an increased number of eosinophils (over 5%). However, the same indicators can be observed if the child has a parasitic disease. For this reason, an additional analysis is done to identify the allergen in children. In this study, the immunoglobulin count is determined.

This technique is based on the fact that after the penetration of the allergen into the body, the immune system triggers a response. In the course of it, special proteins, immunoglobulins, are intensively produced. The purpose of these agents is to detect foreign substances and destroy them. If the body reacts immediately, the hemostasis of the allergic test will show the presence of IgE immunoglobulin. When the reaction occurs after a couple of hours or a day, IgG4 proteins are detected in the blood of the child.

Skin allergens

Such tests are considered to be an accessible, safe and accurate way to identify substances provocateurs. Indications for their conduct:

Before conducting allergens for children, the doctor will take into account the following factors:

How do allergens to children?

All immunological tests can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  1. Straight - the allergen is applied to the scratched skin. Based on the result, a conclusion is drawn as to what specific substance provoked such a reaction of the organism.
  2. Provocative - conduct when the results of direct tests and the flowing pronounced symptoms do not correspond to each other.
  3. Indirect - the child is subcutaneously injected with an irritant, and afterwards - a serum, which allows to reveal the degree of sensitivity of the organism to this allergen. The reaction helps to determine how dangerous the situation is.

Knowing how to make allergens, and taking into account the age of the child, the doctor will prescribe the optimal examination. At the same time he will tell the parents of the baby the advantages and disadvantages of the tests. Skin tests are considered accurate and accessible research. Their disadvantages include morbidity and duration of the study. The blood test takes considerably less time. In addition, the child does not directly contact the allergen. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost.

Allergoproobs - from what age?

When appointing the examination, the doctor takes into account how many full years the baby has turned. When making decisions, they are guided by such recommendations:

Preparation for the analysis on allergens to the child

To such research it is necessary to approach responsibly.

Parents are important in advance to prepare the baby for the procedure, which includes:

  1. Protect the child 3 days before the test against physical and mental stress.
  2. A week before the proposed study should stop taking antihistamines .
  3. The analysis for allergens in a child up to a year and those older is done on an empty stomach. If a skin test is performed, the baby must be fed before the procedure.

Carrying out an allergic test

Such a test is done in the hospital, where urgent medical assistance can be provided if necessary. These direct tests for allergens in children are performed as follows:

  1. The skin is treated with alcohol, after which it is allowed to dry.
  2. Make the marking with a special hypoallergenic marker.
  3. Apply to the skin control substances (antihistamine and saline solutions).
  4. According to the markings, allergens are dripping.
  5. Scratch the skin or make a puncture.
  6. After 20 minutes the doctor evaluates the condition of the samples and makes his conclusion.
  7. Repeated analysis for allergens is carried out after 24-48 hours.

If a blood test is done, the blood is taken from the vein. Take up to 15 ml of liquid. The procedure looks like this:

  1. The tourniquet is applied.
  2. The puncture site is wiped off with alcohol.
  3. Blood is being sampled.
  4. To the site of the puncture is applied a cotton wool soaked with alcohol.
  5. Unbind the tourniquet.
  6. The arm is kept bent at the elbow for another 5 minutes.

Explanation of allergens

After hematologic results will be ready in 3-7 days. Decoding of the blood test for allergens in children is carried out taking into account the established age norm of immunoglobulins:

The analysis of the analysis for allergens in children performed by a direct method is estimated as follows:

List of allergens for testing children

All substances-provocators can be conditionally divided into such groups:

  1. Food allergens - citrus, seafood, milk, meat and so on. First, an analysis is made for substances from the main food group (about 90). If the result turned out to be of little informative, the doctor recommends an extended hematologic test.
  2. Allergens of animal origin - fluff, saliva, wool, chitinous cover and even pet food.
  3. Medicines - more often the reaction is manifested in antibiotics and insulin. However, we must remember that any medications can provoke it. For this reason, allergic tests for anesthetics are performed before the surgical procedure.
  4. Provocators of plant origin - pollen, fluff.
  5. Ticks, fungi, dust - tests on household allergens in children help to identify the increased sensitivity of the organism to them. If necessary, an extended test is conducted.