Allergies in the child - how to treat?

Many young mothers, first encountering allergies in the child, do not know how to treat it. To begin with, it is necessary to establish whether this symptomatology clearly indicates the presence of an allergic reaction.

What forms of allergies are most common in children?

According to statistics, if at least 1 of the parents of the child is allergic, the risk of developing a complete disease in the baby reaches 40%. In addition, an increase in the likelihood of development of an allergic reaction contributes to poor environmental conditions.

If we talk about how allergy is manifested in children, then most often it is:

When these disorders occur and the symptoms of allergy in children, you need to contact an allergist.

How are allergies treated in children?

Before helping a child and curing his allergy, it is necessary to identify the factors under which it arose, i.e. the cause of its development.

First, set the allergen, with the help of a special sample. Most often, a skin test is used, the data of which are confirmed by a blood test in which antibodies are detected for a specific allergen.

Once the cause is determined, proceed to treatment. At the same time, the choice of means for allergy, intended for children, is based on what manifestations of allergy are observed in the child.

So, at dermal displays various ointments and a cream in which structure there are glucocorticoids are used. They are assigned mainly to older children.

If you talk about allergy pills, then for children doctors recommend using antihistamines 2 and 3 generations. Such drugs almost do not cause a hypnotic effect, can be taken regardless of food intake. So representatives of antihistamines of 2 generations can be Zirtek and Claritin.

In those cases when there is a need for prolonged use of medicines, the doctors prescribe antihistamines of the third generation, which include Terfenadine, Astemizol. All dosages and the frequency of medication are indicated by the doctor, based on the stage of the disease and the condition of the child.