Basma for hair

Basma is a natural dye in the form of a grayish powder made from indigo leaves. Due to the content of biologically active substances in the basma, it is widely used in cosmetology and for coloring, and for the treatment of hair.

Coloring of hair with basma

Attention! Basma powder is used only in combination with another dye - henna, coffee, etc. Net basma gives a gray-green color, which is permanently fixed on the hair.

Color basma in combination with henna allows you to get a wide range of tones - from reddish-brown to blue-black.

There are two technologies for coloring hair with these natural pigments:

  1. Simultaneous staining: henna and basma are mixed together and applied to the hair.
  2. Sequential staining: henna is first applied, after washing it and drying the hair, basma staining is performed.

The result of both technologies is approximately the same, but masters tend to prefer consistent coloring.

Preparation for painting

Before you develop basma and henna, you should prepare:

Before applying the paint, the skin on the forehead and temples should be lubricated with cream. Shoulders should be carefully covered with a cloak, and also cleaned the place where the procedure will be performed, from rags - towels, dressing gowns, etc. It is very difficult to wash the basma and henna from the fabric, and the dye remains on the skin, so gloves can not be avoided. Before brushing hair with basma and henna, especially if this is your first experience, it is advisable to purchase a few more pigment bags - if the color does not, you can fix it without leaving home.

Simultaneous staining

Basma powder and henna powder are poured into prepared porcelain utensils. For medium length hair, 2 bags are needed, for longer ones - 4-6.

The resulting color will depend on the proportion of the dyes. Equal parts give a rich chestnut tone, the ratio of basma and henna 2: 1 - black, and 1: 2 - bronze. The more intense you want to dye your hair, the more basma you need to add to the mixture.

The powder is mixed in the right proportion and poured hot water (no more than 80 ° C, because henna loses its coloring properties in boiling water), carefully stretching the lumps and stirring. The consistency of the paint should resemble thick sour cream. To have a gruel evenly laid on the hair, a spoonful of glycerin or olive oil can be added to the mixture.

Paint application

To be beautiful with basma and henna is better, as a rule, after washing and drying hair in the following sequence.

  1. Warm (40-50 ° C) paint is distributed through the hair, beginning with the occipital part. Act as quickly as possible so that the mixture does not cool down.
  2. Hair combs with a wide comb so that the gruel is distributed evenly.
  3. They put on a polyethylene hat, placing a cotton wool soaked in cream on the edges, which will not let the paint drain on the forehead.
  4. On top of the head wrapped with a towel - the best process of staining is in the heat.

Depending on the desired shade, the coloring time varies within 20 minutes - 2 hours. The longer the mixture on the hair, the more intense the tone will be, which you determined by the proportions of the pigments.

Rinse the gruel with warm water without shampoo and rinse. The final color is manifested in a day, and the natural structure of the hair is acquired only after the first wash, so it is not recommended to color the hair with basma in front of the responsible exercise.

Sequential staining

In this case, the hair is first stained only with henna. Then you should prepare the basma, as described above, but with the fact that its pigment is not afraid of boiling water, because the gruel can be further heated. The mixture is applied to the hair washed from henna and dried, keep:

You can not wrap your head. After painting for 3 days you can not use shampoo.