
Quickly remove unwanted hair and not worry about their appearance at least 3 weeks will help wax hair removal, which is best performed by a professional beautician. Before going to the salon, you need to get all the necessary information about the procedure and find out how effective and safe it is.

Wax epilation - the essence of the method and contraindications

The technology of the procedure consists in preliminary application to the areas with hair of warm or hot wax. After a short period of cooling, the material is covered with a strip of special paper and detached with one quick, sharp movement. Along with the wax unwanted hairs are removed.

Advantage of the method in question is a stable result - the skin remains perfectly smooth for at least 2 weeks.

There are quite a few shortcomings:

In addition, wax epilation is prohibited in such cases:

Wax epilation during pregnancy is relatively contraindicated, since the possibility of its implementation must be discussed with the attending physician individually.

Apparatus for wax epilation

If solid wax is used, it must first be melted and heated. For this purpose, special devices are designed that resemble a pot on a stand. The container is evenly heated from electricity and raises the temperature of the wax to the required values ​​within 20-45 minutes (depending on the composition of the cosmetic product) and maintains it at the proper level for about half an hour.

Soft and water-soluble types of wax (in cartridges, honey, sugar) do not require specialized apparatus, to melt them enough warmth of hands.

As a rule, professional cosmetologists give preference to a solid kind of product, because the application of a hot substance on the skin allows you to better open the pores and remove hairs more qualitatively.

Wax strips for hair removal

After the wax slightly cools, it should be covered with a piece of paper. The strip should be made of dense cellulose to avoid ruptures during tearing. Non-woven paper without fibers is also desirable, since their presence can lead to skin damage.

Hair length for wax epilation

It is worth noting that very short hairs can not be removed because they are not sufficiently waxed. But too much length is not recommended - the soreness of the procedure will increase by 2 times. It is necessary to grow hair up to 4-5 mm, this is the optimal value.

Wax hair removal - deep bikini

Sensitive zones, such as axillae and bikini, require the use of specially designed wax mixtures with a large number of emollients, essential oils and vegetable fats. The most popular among modern cosmetologists is rightly considered to be a hot chocolate product, providing fast hair removal without the need for repeated application of the substance.

With constant continued use of the described technique (for 3-5 years), follicles and bulbs gradually weaken, which leads to the growth of thinner and light hair, and the epilation itself becomes almost painless.