Than to treat a cough in a child?

Each mother tries to protect her baby from illnesses and all kinds of injuries, but sooner or later the baby begins to "pull up" the snot and the thermometer shows clearly not 36.6 °. This is the day-the second and the worst mother's dream is fulfilled-a child's cough. And then grabbing the baby under the arm, she rushes to the doctor to find out what to cure the child's cough. Most are waiting for the "magic pill" to give it and rid the child of a terrible cough, but there is a certain percentage of parents who prefer folk remedies to pharmaceuticals. In addition, Western medicine has long concluded that the children's body is able to cope with the majority of cases of acute respiratory viral infection (the most frequent cause of coughing) without taking medication, and it is quite possible to treat a cough in a child without medication.

What to give a child from a cough?

Not having such a huge assortment of pharmacy miracle pills, our moms and grandmothers accurately knew how to treat a cough in a child, using folk remedies. All these methods are aimed at liquefaction of sputum. But folk remedies for coughing a child completely can not be cured, so a specialist's supervision is mandatory, especially when the cough "sank down." Consider the most proven recipes from cough for children.

  1. An ancient, but effective cough remedy from which the child does not exactly refuse to cook is: take the black radish, carefully wash it, cut out the indentation in the center (in such a way that it resembles a glass) and fill it with honey. After 4 hours, this "capacity" will be filled with juice. Take a mixture of black radish juice and honey is necessary for 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Such a remedy contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin C salts, so that a black radish and cough for children will help, and will enrich the body with vitamins. However, in diseases of the heart, kidneys, inflammations of housing and utilities and peptic ulcer disease, it is contraindicated.
  2. No less effective cough medicine that can be given to children is licorice. The remedy is cheap, but effective enough, of course if there is no need to treat a serious and complicated cough. Take it three times a day, depending on the age: for children up to 2 years, 1-2 drops per tablespoon of water, from 2 to 12 years give a half teaspoon, over 12 to 1-st a teaspoonful.
  3. Very effective inhalation when coughing in children. Practically in any pharmacy now you can find an inhaler for home use. Excellent for drinking mineral water (better "Borjomi"), decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, eucalyptus leaves, calendula, natural essential oils, for example ginger oil, it not only helps to facilitate secretion of mucus, but also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Also, ginger can be given to children in the form of tea from a cough: several slices boil in boiling water, insist 10-15 minutes, add lemon and honey to taste.
  5. In the case of spruce cough still "went down", that is, sputum began to thicken, and the doctor hears wheezing, the best cough for children is heating. And everyone knows that the most common way to warm up when coughing are mustard plasters. Children should be placed no more than 4 days in a row, but systematically, once a day, it is better one hour before bedtime: a warming procedure will sooner cause shedding and, as a consequence, coughing. In the course of an hour this usually passes, but it is possible to relieve peristalsis with warm (not hot) tea.
  6. That's exactly what can be coughing for children, so this massage. In combination with the rest of the procedures, cough massage for children will not only be an effective means for sputum lagging, but will also encourage your child a little (remember your favorite "rails-sleepers" or invent your poems, in the form of a game it will be easier for the kid to lie during the procedure) , the main thing is to place the body at an angle (put the baby under the tummy towel), then the sputum will be better to depart.
  7. Razirki. Very many mothers, after watching the ads (or on the instigation of unscrupulous doctors), rush to the pharmacy for all sorts of cough shakes for children, thinking that this is the very panacea. In fairness, it should be said that many supporters of traditional medicine are also in a hurry to prepare a rubbing cough for children, but personally in my experience this method is more capable of harm than curing a child. Greater likelihood of allergic reactions to menthol or other essential oils in such ointments, both as a cough boost (paroxysmal), and rashes.

In general, coughing is not so terrible if you know the nature of its origin and understand the principle of treatment. It is not necessary to rush to stuff a child with medicines, it is quite possible to cope "on their own", the main thing is to do everything under the supervision of a doctor. Probably the most effective cough remedy is to prevent it: wear crumbs in the weather so that it does not sweat and do not freeze, air the nursery (especially before going to bed) and regularly do wet cleaning.