Shortness of breath in a child

Parents often complain about the appearance of dyspnea in children. Dyspnea refers to rapid, shortness of breath, observed at rest.

Shortness of breath: causes of the child

Increasing respiration is associated not only with increased physical activity, but also with diseases of the lungs, nervous and cardiac systems, allergies, respiratory viruses, gas exchange disorders, asthma. As you can see, dyspnea may be a symptom of a serious illness. That's why it's important to know if your baby is suffering from shortness of breath.

How to identify wheezing in a child?

It is quite easy to do this. It is possible to detect rapid breathing by counting the number of breaths made by the baby at rest, for example, during sleep. To do this, put your palm on the chest of the crumbs and count the number of his breaths in 1 minute (use a stopwatch or a clock). Pay attention that it is recommended to touch the child with a warm hand, otherwise it will be disturbed and the breath will go down. There are norms of the number of respiratory movements for each age:

If the number of respiratory movements in a child exceeds the norm, this is shortness of breath. Rapid breathing can be accompanied by additional symptoms. For example, a cough and shortness of breath in a child testifies to ARVI or bronchitis. In combination with blueing of the limbs and nasolabial triangle, shortness of breath in a nursing baby can talk about heart disease.

Shortness of breath in a child: treatment

Shortness of breath in infants and children is most likely due to the immaturity of the respiratory system, which is loaded with respiratory diseases and asthma. For successful treatment of shortness of breath, it is important to correctly diagnose the cause of its occurrence. Getting rid of the illness, which caused difficulty in breathing the baby, will pass and shortness of breath. However, in this case it is important and improve the patient's condition. For example, with dyspnea in bronchitis, the child will cope with bronchodilators (broncholithine). With difficulty of sputum discharge, mucolytics are prescribed (mucaltin). The difficulty of breathing caused by asthma is eliminated with the help of euphyllin, bronchodilators (albuterol), inhalation with solutan.

In case of excessive dyspnea, the child should be called an ambulance. To improve the condition before the appearance of a medical worker, you need to calm the baby, release his chest and stomach, open the window in the room.