Ringworm in children - treatment

Most children love animals. Many of them are ready to caress and play not only with well-groomed pets, but also with homeless cats and dogs. Here, and waiting for the kids trouble in the form of ringworm. This is the name of a contagious infectious disease of the skin and hair bulbs of fungal nature. In some cases, the nail plates are affected.

The causative agent of lichen is pathogenic fungi. The disease affects people and animals, most often cats, dogs, horses, cows. Infection is possible by contact with an ill person or animal, as well as contaminated objects (things, bast).

There are two types of ringworm - trichophytosis and microsporia.

Ringworm in children: symptoms

The incubation period of this fungal disease lasts from 5 to 10 days. The appearance on the skin of small bubbles in the form of nodules, spots, covered with scales or crusts, 1-2 cm in diameter is considered the first symptoms of ringworm. These affected areas swell and itch. Over time, spots and vesicles spread throughout the body. They appear on the scalp as well. In the affected areas, hair breaks, there are bald patches (due to this, they call the infection ringworm). In some cases, there is an increase in temperature, swelling of lymph nodes, deterioration of appetite.

Treatment of ringworm in children

If symptoms of infection are found, the child should immediately be shown to the children's dermatologist. The fact is that lichens on the head lead to a gradual loss of hair on the affected areas. At the healing site, the hair follicles atrophy, and the hair there never grows.

The doctor will examine the patient's skin under a fluorescent lamp, and also examine the particles of the infected skin under a microscope. Usually, for the treatment of ringworm in children, dermatologists prescribe external antifungal agents. First of all, the ointment is selected. This can be cyclopyrox, clotrimazole, isoconazole. Sometimes it is prescribed sulfuric, sulfuric-salicylic or sulfur-tar ointments. Good results are achieved using the drug lamizil (terbinafine). It is available both in the form of a cream and in the form of a spray. In addition, affected areas of the skin should be treated with a solution of iodine.

If the foci of inflammation are pronounced, an antimicrobial preparation of deep action, for example, dimexide, triderm will be required. If the fungus appeared on the scalp, then the usual external remedy for ringworm is not doable. In order to avoid complications, the child is treated in a hospital. Systemic antibiotic therapy is shown. Typically, doctors prefer to prescribe the antibiotic griseofulvin in the form of a suspension or tablets. The general course of treatment in this case lasts 1.5-2 months.

Traditional methods of treatment

It can also be used for ringworm treatment with folk remedies. The following recipes are popular:

Ringworm in children: prevention

To prevent infection with this fungus, parents need to be vigilant. Do not start animals that are not examined by a veterinarian. Pets are not recommended to leave for a walk unattended. If this is the case, the animal needs to be shown to the doctor. Parents should also ensure that children do not play with homeless animals.