Ascoril for children

Diseases of the respiratory tract are frequent companions of childhood. The success of treatment depends not only on the defenses of the body itself, but also on the correct and safe prescriptions of the pediatrician. A wide distribution of the drug ascoril, which has an expectorant and spasmolytic effect. Its appointment should be performed exclusively by a doctor, self-medication can only harm.

Ascoril - syrup for children

For the treatment of children, an ascoril ekspektorant in the form of a syrup is used, which includes:

Concerning the indications available to ascoril for use, they include obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tracheobronchitis, emphysema, pneumoconiosis, whooping cough and pulmonary tuberculosis.

The appointment of an ascoril of cough for children is possible only if the sputum leaves with difficulty, it is rather viscous and sticks to the walls of the bronchi, and the cough is characterized as dry, that is, unproductive. If the child's sputum goes away easily and in large amounts, taking an ascorilus can only worsen the patient's condition, because the secretions from the lungs will increase.

Ascoril: dosage in the treatment of children

Children over 12 years are prescribed 10 ml of syrup 3 times a day. However, tablets are the most preferred form of ascoril for adolescents. Patients aged 6 to 12 years are prescribed a remedy for 5-10 ml three times a day. Patients under 6 years of age are prescribed 5 ml of the drug also 3 times a day. Ascoril children for up to a year do not give, because they do not know how to cough independently.

Ascoril: contraindications and side effects

When taking this drug in small patients, there may be side effects in the form of tachycardia, tremor, dizziness, headache and insomnia. There may be nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. In some cases, the appearance of sensitivity to the drug, manifested in the form of skin rash and itching. Then the syrup must be canceled.

The contraindications available to ascaril include:

Because of contraindications and side effects when taking ascoril, you should carefully monitor the condition of the child and, in case of any deterioration in health, immediately contact your doctor.