How much temperature does the flu have in children?

With the onset of autumn colds, all sorts of viruses that trigger the flu are activated. You can pick it up anywhere - in transport, in school, in a kindergarten and even in an elevator, next to a sick person. That is why it is very important during the epidemic to minimize contact with a large mass of people, to walk in parks and squares, and to cancel recreational activities for a while.

Perhaps the most severe during flu in children is a high temperature, which literally exhausts the body. It's painful to look at a child - yesterday he laughed and frolicked, and today he is sluggish, refuses food, drinking, and capricious. And the temperature stubbornly does not want to subside, and if it gets lost a few tenths of a degree, then literally for an hour, and then rises again.

What is the temperature of influenza in children?

The flu strain that the child has picked up, as well as the ability of the child's body to resist infection, affect the temperature during the period of illness. Usually, it is very high - 39-40 ° C, and sometimes even exceeds the critical mark.

If the mother does not cope with such large numbers, the temperature does not drop, the child refuses to drink, then treatment at home is extremely undesirable. It is better if the baby is under the supervision of doctors who will not allow a critical situation.

In some cases, the temperature does not rise too much and is at 38-39 ° C. Even if the baby is sick at the height of the epidemic, then it is not necessarily the flu. The diagnosis can be made only by the doctor, and even then not in absentia, but on the basis of tests.

Duration of acute phase of the disease

Most concerned parents worry about how many days the temperature of influenza in children is kept. This question can not be answered unambiguously, since the duration of the disease in the acute phase depends on many components.

This is the general condition of the affected organism, and its ability to fight against a viral infection, the presence or absence of bed rest (relevant to adolescents), a type of influenza virus (strain), adequate or inappropriate treatment, caring for a child during illness.

In addition, the duration of the period with increased temperature depends on the presence of complications in the form of pneumonia, otitis and other disorders. That is, in total, with severe flu with complications, the time when the child does not lose heat, can stretch even for two weeks.

On average, the duration of the disease is 5-7 days. That is, the high temperature for influenza in children lasts as long as the body needs to fight the virus. It is reduced by the fifth to seventh day, but only if the correct treatment and compliance with the prescribing physician.

When the parents know how many days the temperature keeps with the flu in the child, and this limit has already been exceeded, that is, the disease is not going to pass, most likely a secondary infection caused by the bacteria was connected to the main virus disease.

Suspect a complication of the flu can be along the course of a child's illness. If the temperature began to decrease gradually, after an acute stage of the disease, and then again jumped to a critical level, then a doctor's consultation is urgently needed - most likely the inflammation of the lungs, which happens most often, or another complication.

In addition to high temperature, mother should be alerted by increased cough, wheezing with breathing, complaints of pain in the back and chest. The sooner the treatment of complications after the flu begins, the better the prognosis for recovery. And if influenza virus infection is not treated with antibiotics, then with bacterial infection they will already be needed.