Distillation of tulips by March 8

Who has ever admired the pictures of a whole field of tulips? Beauty indescribable, right? And as you want on the eve of March 8, to grow tulips on the windowsill for the holiday, so that the snow outside the window, and on the window a scarlet flame of petals. Do not believe that it will turn out? Believe me, even if you have never been engaged in growing tulips and are not familiar with the notion of "forcing out", you can grow beautiful flowers by March 8. Of course, you can cook forcing bulbs of plants yourself, but this is the lot of professionals. But do not be afraid to use for the forcing of purchased bulbs of tulips, and with them you can have time to get a flower garden by March 8. So, what should I do?

Cultivation of tulips by March 8

If they set out to get blossoming tulips by the window sill on March 8, then they should be turned out from autumn, the planting time is October-November. It is impossible to say the exact numbers here, each flower is individual and under equal conditions, one bulb will be pleased with flowers by the middle of February, and another by the beginning of March. Plant bulbs in ceramic pots, above the bulbs 2-3 times. If the pots are new, then they need to soak a day in water to prevent the roots of the bulbs from becoming infected. In the prepared pots pour the earth, below the edges for a couple of centimeters. In the land carefully planted bulbs (leaving 1/3 of the free from the ground), you can several in the pot, but so that the bulbs do not touch each other. The earth is slightly watered and placed for 6-10 weeks in the refrigerator on the lower shelf. Pots do not close (no polyethylene), so that the bulbs do not rot. When there are green sprouts on the vertex, a couple of centimeters long, the pots with bulbs take out their refrigerator and place them in the light. You need the light, not the sun, otherwise from the tulips you will see only the leaves, but not the flowers. The temperature necessary for the colors at this stage is 10-15 ° C. After about 4-6 weeks, a bud appears, which soon turns into a beautiful flower.

All the time, while you expect green sprouts and buds, you need to make sure that the soil in the pot is always moist, but not moist. If, however, slightly overdone with water, and mold appeared on the ground, it must be carefully removed and sprinkled with fresh earth. Also, the tulips will be grateful if you do not forget to feed them periodically with fertilizers for bulbous plants.

Tulips have faded, what should I do?

Well, here's the goal, the tulips have been grown by March 8, it's time to cut them. Now we do not mean cutting flowers to pick a bouquet, but preparing the onion for the next bloom. It is clear that this year we do not need to wait for flowers from these bulbs - we deceived them with the spring, bringing it closer to home. But next spring the tulips will bloom again, though not as brightly as before, but in a couple of years they will recover. So now, after distillation, the flowers should be pity and take care of them. Namely, remove the peduncles, leaving the leaves and fertilize and water the tulips, until the leaves fade. After the bulb is taken out, shaken, dried and stored in a dry, cool place until the fall. In the autumn we plant bulbs in the garden. If there is a desire to repeat the experience of forcing, then these bulbs, as stated earlier, should be given a year or two to rest. Next in the spring, note the strongest peduncles and cut them with a knife, as soon as the buds begin to stain. This is necessary so that the bulb is not spent on flowering, but has the necessary supply for distillation. When the leaves are dead, bulbs are excavated and stored for 2 weeks at room temperature. After cooling in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator before disembarking.