French diet

On the streets of Paris slim legs in jackboots and slender waists, which, it seems, can be clasped with two fingers. French women learned from childhood: only a slender person has the right to call herself a woman, and the "woman" in France sounds proudly! The French diet is first of all moderation in food. Since childhood, mothers put on the plate girls a little less than they can eat. And about making everyone eat up to the last crumb and there can be no talk! That's why the French women are eager to have fun with food, enjoy every bit of it. Feel yourself a real Frenchwoman with the help of a French diet.

First you need to get acquainted with the principles on which the French food system is based:

  1. The French menu is dominated by fresh vegetables and fruits. It is FRESH. A real Frenchwoman will never eat stale apples and spoiled tomatoes.
  2. Each meal is varied and balanced: a lot of vegetables and cereals, a piece of meat or poultry, bread from wholemeal flour. The oil is only olive and real creamy. The Frenchwoman will not allow herself to smear margarine on bread.
  3. After dinner, you can treat yourself to a dessert. "What is this diet, on which desserts are allowed?" - you ask. And the whole secret is that the French women do not eat all the portion, but only half.
  4. From each meal, French women make a real holiday - they beautifully serve the table, put appliances, wine glasses. They eat slowly, savoring each slice. At the same time, you can turn on soft, soft music. And no food in front of the TV!
  5. There are French women prefer at home, because only so you can control the freshness and quality of the products. They cook dishes that are safe for the figure at home: meat and fish are toasted on the grill and garnished with fresh vegetable salads.
  6. They are also very careful about their health - no beer and cigarettes, medicinal stimulants for weight loss. Residents of France try to walk more often, get out on the nature, breathe fresh air in parks and squares.

The French women themselves joke about the secrets of the success of the French diet: "in the morning a cupcake, a cupcake and sex in the evening, only sex in the evening. If it does not help, exclude flour ». In fact, there is a less strict version of the French diet designed for a week, which helps to lose up to 5 kg of excess weight.

Menu of the French diet for 7 days

1 day

For breakfast, you drink only a cup of coffee without sugar.

For lunch, eat a salad of tomato, two hard-boiled eggs and leaves of lettuce. Salad does not refuel.

Dinner consists of boiled beef or chicken (100 g), which is wrapped in lettuce leaves.

2 day

From morning to coffee without sugar, you add a piece of black bread.

For lunch, eat only a piece of boiled veal the size of your hand.

Dinner consists of 100 grams of sliced ​​boiled sausage and, again, lettuce leaves.

3 day

Breakfast is the same as on the second day - unsweetened coffee and a slice of rye bread.

For lunch, prepare a stew from one carrot and a tomato, braised on vegetable oil. For a dessert - a tangerine.

Dinner consists of a salad of two hard boiled eggs, 100 grams of boiled chicken and lettuce leaves.

4 day

For breakfast already habitual coffee without sugar and a slice of bread.

For lunch, you can eat one grated carrot, boiled egg and 2 small pieces of cheese.

Dinner - this is 3 of any fruit (except bananas) and 2 glasses of low-fat kefir.

5 day

Breakfast consists of a grated carrot, which is washed down with freshly squeezed juice of one lemon (can be diluted with water).

For lunch, you eat a piece of low-fat boiled fish, the size of your palm, with a garnish of tomato.

For dinner, only 100 grams of cooked beef.

6th day

For breakfast, drink only coffee without sugar.

For lunch - rolls of boiled chicken (100 g) and lettuce.

And for dinner, cooked beef again in the same amount as on day 5.

Day 7

Breakfast consists only of green tea without sugar.

Lunch is a piece of boiled chicken the size of your palm and one grapefruit.

At dinner, eat a few slices of boiled sausage.

To adhere to the French diet should be strictly, only grapefruit on the last, the seventh day, you can if you want to replace the big orange. Only in this way can you finish off the mind-blowing results in just a week. No wonder the French diet receives such good reviews and is very popular all over the world. And after the publication of the book by Galina Kulikova "Sabina on the French diet", she gained even more admirers.

And one more point for those who plan to replenish the family - if you want to conceive a boy, the French diet recommends adding more foods with a high content of potassium and sodium in your diet. But on products with a high content of calcium and magnesium, it is worthwhile for those who want to give birth to a girl. This diet should be adhered to both parents a month before conception, the future mother, 2 more months after.