Medical Diet

The treatment of any disease always begins with the appointment of a diet, which should rid the body of the patient of a factor burdening an already unenviable position from excess weight . However, and without excess weight, patients should pay more attention to their food - in fact, we are what we eat. There is no doubt that diets are not only prophylactic in nature, but they can also cure many diseases.

True, not every diet is so useful. For weight loss, or for treatment, there is only one scientifically approved nutrition system - this is a medical diet. It is approved and justified, and although it does not attract fans of rapid weight loss, but accustoms to a rational diet.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other food system, the medical diet has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the advantages it is necessary to mention that the menu of your diet will be scientifically justified, and it's worth a lot. In addition, the medical diet normalizes metabolism, it is important for weight loss, and for treatment. Only by harmonizing the internal processes of the body, you can solve the problem with excess weight once and for all. And, thirdly, you will not be strictly limited to the menu - everyone is free to choose what is his liking, of course, within the list of allowed products.

With regard to cons:


The medical diet is not a starvation at all, this confirms the abundance of allowed products (daily calorific value is 1200 kcal):

Products should be cooked, steamed, stewed, baked. From fruit to cook jelly, compotes, jelly.

Prohibited products:

After exiting the diet, a normal, balanced diet should not be particularly replenished with products that you refused to lose weight.