Lymphatic drainage at home

The lymphatic system contains 80% of all body waste. The remaining 20% ​​can be found in the kidneys, liver and blood. Lymphatic canals, enveloping all the organs, must remove from the cells, together with the liquid, the waste of their vital activity. If the lymph flow is disturbed, the waste is not withdrawn, since the lymph stiffens from the absence of movement and turns from the liquid into a gel. This disorder is called lymphostasis.

In fact, there is no person to whom lymphodrainage massage interfered. All of us from time to time (and some on a permanent basis) eat incorrectly, our motor activity is not evenly distributed - the whole day of sitting and 2 hours of active "races". And women need limfodrenazhny foot massage, like air - after hours of walking on his heels, swelling is a natural result.


Cellulite and varicose veins are the consequences of fluid stagnation in tissues, improper cell nutrition, and the deposition of toxins in the subcutaneous fat. Those places that have already suffered from cellulite and varicose veins are your garbage dump. If you could see with your own eyes what is happening there, under your skin - you would suddenly stop eating fatty, sweet, smoked, salted, etc. In these places all the uninhabited waste products are stored.

Treatment of varicose veins and cellulite should begin with lymphatic drainage. This - cleaning the body, the normalization of lymph and blood flow, as well as the restoration of tissue nutrition.

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a device for lymphatic drainage or attend massage parlors, take matters into your own hands and learn how to do lymph drainage at home. This will not just prevent the cellulite and varicose, but also help to cope with excess weight, will make the body shape more refined.


Lymph drainage self-massage is a kneading with increasing intensity of movements. Massage with hands is performed, in particular, by the ribs of the palms, using essential oils, honey, anti-cellulite or special lymphatic drainage creams for the body.

First, prepare 2 chairs of the same height: on the 1st sit yourself, and on the 2nd put one leg. This is necessary to facilitate the movement of lymph.

All movements are directed from below upwards - we are driving the venous blood up to the heart.

Start with light strokes from the ankle-length zone to the knee on both sides. Gradually increase pressure, do rubbing.

In addition, hand lymphodrainage foot massage can be directed to the ankle zone, it will be useful if after a long day you have edema there.

When you are finished with the zone to the knee, move higher. Further movements should be directed from the knee along the inguinal muscles. You can also make a foot massage, it consists of intense rubbing.

Lymphatic drainage at home should be done in short procedures three times a day.

Honey Lymphatic Drainage

Separately, we need to mention how to make a honey lymph drainage massage of the legs. Honey has a unique property to absorb toxins, and also to feed through the pores of every "injured" of lymphostasis cells.

For honey treatment it is necessary to lightly heat the honey in a water bath - to the temperature body. We put honey on a site of a body, we press it with a palm and tear off with effort. The longer you do this, the stronger your hands stick. Thus, you push the honey inside, force your body to absorb it.

Honey lymphatic drainage can also consist of pats and tingle. And the technique is very simple - they applied honey - cotton - pressed the palm of your hand - tore off the palm of your hand.

With the help of lymph drainage procedures, you can get rid of flabbiness of the body, excess weight and constant swelling. It has long been proven that there are no kidneys and no cardiovascular system in charge of swelling, namely disorders with lymphatic drainage.