When to dig out winter garlic?

Garlic is a very healthy spice that you can eat all year round. In spring and summer - juicy green stems, and in the cold season - elastic teeth, but you need to know when to dig out the winter garlic so that it is well kept until the next harvest.

When is the time to dig out the garlic?

The ideal time for this is the end of July and the beginning of August. Very much depends on the summer weather. In order not to miss the time when you need to dig out winter garlic, you should leave a couple of pieces when removing the inflorescences at the ends, which will involuntarily indicate the ideal period for collection. As soon as the inflorescence envelope bursts and reveals small bulb seeds , then it is worth harvesting. And these same seeds will not be wasted in vain - from them you can get strong heads-odnozubki, which will then become a good seed material.

Those who are interested in when to dig out garlic, you should answer that the right sign of these necessary actions are yellowed and dried leaves in the lower part. Now it's clear when you can dig out the garlic, but for the preservation of the crop you need to know what to do next. Garlic must be dried in the open air for 4-6 days. It is not recommended to immediately cut off leaves from it, but when it dries, then you should remove a little dirty top cover, the stem, and if you plan to store garlic in bundles, then some part should be left from above.

Roots should also be pruned, and it is even better to burn candles or burners over the flame, which will improve the safety of the crop. If the ideal time for harvesting was missed and the overripe heads with the sprouted teeth remained in the ground, then they should not be dug out - they will germinate in early spring and be able to give a full yield.