Signs of mastopathy in women

Mastopathy is one of the most common female diseases. It is based on pathological proliferation of the breast tissue. This disease is known for more than a century. Medicine has learned to recognize it and successfully treat it. Signs of mastopathy in women are always similar, they are easily differentiated. Let's consider what signs at a mastopathy can observe at yourself and you.

Mastopathy - signs of disease

It is important to know that mastopathy can be diffuse and nodular. These are not two kinds, but two consecutive stages of the development of this disease. Signs of diffuse mastopathy appear at the very beginning of the development of the disease. If the disease is started, not recognized and not treated, signs of nodular mastopathy may begin to manifest.

Signs of fibrocystic mastopathy

  1. Mastopathy begins with the fact that the connective tissue of the breast expands. In this case, formation of small bundles of a prosoid form is observed. Signs of mastopathy of the breast at this stage include the so-called mastalgia, that is, soreness. It occurs immediately before menstruation. With menstruation, the pain subsides. The first signs of mastopathy may also include the appearance of small globular seals in the upper part of the mammary glands. The main problem is that women often ignore these symptoms, thereby making a dangerous mistake, because at an early stage, mastopathy can be easily cured conservatively. If signs of fibrotic mastopathy are noted, the doctor should be consulted immediately, since this disease is the precursor of cancer neoplasms.
  2. Signs of cystic mastopathy in the case of further development of the disease can manifest itself as the formation of dense knots, the size of which can vary from the size of a pea to the size of a walnut. With the nodular form of mastopathy, the pain in the chest becomes much more intense. Pain can even be given to the armpit and shoulder. Sometimes, even the slightest touch to the chest can be painful. It is possible that the discharge of colostrum or clear and even bloody fluid from the nipple will begin. Signs of mastopathy in women at this stage may include determining the lobulation or granularity of tissues upon palpation. It is important to note that with nodal mastopathy, pain sensations, as well as changes in the mammary gland with the onset of menstruation, do not disappear.

Echocarcinosis of fibrocystic mastopathy

For the diagnosis of mastopathy, a mandatory ultrasound scan or x-ray mammography is prescribed. The latter method is quite dangerous and not always effective, in particular, if it is used to diagnose this disease in young women. That is why ultrasound diagnostics comes out on top among all instrumental methods of diagnosing mastopathy in women.

Echopriznaki fibrous mastopathy, as a rule, sufficiently obvious to make the appropriate diagnosis, based solely on the data of the ultrasound examination. However, the experience of the doctor and the quality of the equipment on which the study is performed are very important.

Echo signs of cystic mastopathy are determined on the basis of measurement of the thickness of the glandular tissue layer, indicators of the echolocation of breast tissue, the type of breast structure. The ultrasound doctor checks the ratio of fibrous and glandular tissue, as well as whether this ratio corresponds to age. When mastopathy multiple cysts, glandular hyperplasia and fibrosing of glandular tissue are observed.